Team 1 - Status and Info


Tribe of Judah StarCraft Series Chapter Leader
In the future we are planning on raiding on Fridays, Sundays, and Mondays.

However, we feel it is best that we limit our raids to Mondays, and possibly on Fridays, due to lack of needed classes being able to attend on certain days. If you have any questions please get with me for Monday's raids, and with Wallawinski for Friday's raids!!

We are really looking forward to fighting alongside our friends in Redeemed's first raid dungeon, and I'm sure that this will be a very fun experience for all of us.

For those of you raiding tonight I wish you luck and the best of times!

God bless,

if you are not raiding on sunday's then i will not be able to go with this team.

<-- Joinyce
We'll see if we can work something out. I know a lot of people would like to raid on Sundays :)
yeah it's just i spend friday's with my fiancee and mondays i'm very busy. it would be a rare opportunity for me to raid on monday or friday.

now wed is perfect since I have bible study on Tuesday nights :D

but i know a lot of others have it on wed.