
the fringe oh baby yeah i did.... wish i had a joystick and the game, know where i can find the game that is. it rocks, so much fun... grr i hate gliders!
i've reinstalled it on my comp. been playin with my mouse (since my new comp doesn't have a game port
). it's just slightly hard with the mouse
but I do enjoy it....
it's a game from 1999, space sim.

had great storyline, allright graphics, great physics engine, great acting (bruce campell voiced the main character)

decent multiplayer events through novalogic's novaworld (when i first got it, there were often many many ppl on multiplayer, nowadays there are usually less than a dozen ppl on a nite)

here's IGN review : http://pc.ign.com/articles/161/161519p1.html?fromint=1