Suggested PvP spec for 48 Hunter?


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
I posted this on the Redeemed forums, but I wanted to pick the brains of expert Hunters in TF as well.

How does this 0/22/17 build look for a level 48 PvP Hunter?
Sorry sir, I never pvp'ed with my hunter, though with the latest changes, survival has lost its appeal though I am not sure at 48, if it is effective.
As long as we are posting about how we can't really help, I don't even *have* a hunter, so I'm right out.
Er... guess it's up to me then?

Drop efficiency. It's one of those talents that you put points in because you need to open up the next tier of talents. If you're using points for that reason, definately stick two into rapid killing. I'm not sure how much you've used it in the past, but start paying more attention to "rapid fire". It's one of your best friends, especially vs casters who will sit there with the increased interrupt trying to get a spell off.

Entrapment isn't at all a useful ability, considering that you rarely are going to be using anything but the freezing trap anyway in PvP. It's good that you got deterrence and survivalist, but don't worry about putting that last point into survivalist as long as you have access to lower tier talents. If you have an extra one sitting around sometime, feel free to fill it in. Otherwise, 4/5 survivalist is fine.

With the slight changes, you end up with three remaining points. It's really a tossup, and mostly depends on which spec you intent to continue once you level to 50 and beyond, but for right now you can put them in either "barrage", a marksman talent, or "surefooted", a survival talent.

To summarize, this is what you end up with:

Suggested Build

Like I said, if you would rather go marksmanship in the future, feel free to switch those surefooted points to barrage (not concussive barrage mind you - the talent that eventually opens you up to getting "improved barrage")

If it's any help at all to you, here's my planned spec for my hunter - who does pretty much nothing but world PvP anymore - though I've had a long and extensive experience with playing in BGs with him.

Gwndr, 60 Hunter

I've always been a big fan of the survival tree, but with 'silencing shot' coming out, it's more than worth it to move more points that way.

And not to completely trump myself on this long rant, but you must remember that I've not had the chance yet to play WoW since the last patch, so my estimates might be off still. I haven't gotten to play around with the new in-combat traps and wyvern sting, nor have I seen firsthand what silencing shot can do. If my advice doesn't seem to work for you, play around a little.

I also have a level 39 hunter who grinds Arathi Basin, and they're beast master specced - and yet still consistantly top the kill charts for both factions. From what you lose, you make up with different abilities, and when it comes right down to it, talents help - but skill makes the hunter.
It's really a tossup, and mostly depends on which spec you intent to continue once you level to 50 and beyond [...]
I don't plan to level Ulfbrikt past 49, so that's not a concern.

To summarize, this is what you end up with:

Suggested Build
That's what I've punched in! :) I'll try to remember to report back here and let you know how it works.