Story Mode Night

Hey Guys i have some new 80's which need to run story mode so i can unlock exp mode in most of the dungeons thinking about making a storymode day/night this saturday let me know in game or on here if your interested in going. thinking SE, CoE, HoW, CoF, and Arah maybe others of people need em
I would be up for that if the wife is working on Saturday.

I have been thinking of trying to get something similar going for the Dungeon Master title. One dungeon a weekend (or more if time and interest permits.) Story-P4 starting with AC.
I have only the final one to go. Have been unwilling to rope anyone into it because everyone seems to hate it.
Ursen - Wizard and Mr Oats both need you should hit them up. I also like doing it just for the fun of it...great dungeon imo.