Stomach virus or bug


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
I've come down with some nasty sort of stomach virus or bug. Please pray for a quick recovery.
Great I thought you just got over that other thing you had. Maybe being back at a job is exposing you to germs you had not been around for a while without a job.

Hope you can hold your daughter again soon :(.

Prayer sent up.
Judging by my rapid (but still incomplete) recovery, I think I may have had food poisoning. Just to be safe, I'll be drinking my meals (not in the alcoholic way, but in the generic Ensure 6-pack way) and taking it easy for the rest of tonight. I'll re-evaluate in the morning, but chances are good I'll go to work tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone for their prayers! There's nothing like food poisoning to make you remember every sin you've ever committed and repent of it. :p Those who've had food poisoning know what I mean.