Stepping Down as Raid Leader and Raiding


New Member
After much thought and consideration I will be stepping down as raid leader and from most raiding as well. Raiding has come to a point now where it is no longer fun for me and that is why I play the game, to have fun. There is too much pressure to make everyone happy all the time and I do not want to have to deal with this all the time. It just sucks all the enjoyment out of the game. In the meantime I will be PvPing, with a full PvP spec.

I apologize for the rift this creates for my Kara team, but this is something I have to do. If you ever really really needed me to go to a raid, I could attend but I won't be the same as before, since I will need to hold back some DPS. Best of luck and wishes to you in raiding and God bless.

PS My wife is also rejoicing in the aisles over my decision to stop raiding. :p
Better not let my wife see this... don't want her to get any ideas... lol.

Good luck and keep in touch. :)
Q, you've been nothing short of completely awesome for the raiding aspect of this guild. I applaud you for your dedication, time, energy, direction, expertise, willingness, and understanding. You have been an icon for people to look to and I can only believe that we wouldn't be where we are today without your work. I understand your decision to step down from this task and hope that fun and entertainment come swiftly back to you. You deserve it!! I hope your wife enjoys her newly allotted time with you...
Q, you've been nothing short of completely awesome for the raiding aspect of this guild. I applaud you for your dedication, time, energy, direction, expertise, willingness, and understanding. You have been an icon for people to look to and I can only believe that we wouldn't be where we are today without your work. I understand your decision to step down from this task and hope that fun and entertainment come swiftly back to you. You deserve it!! I hope your wife enjoys her newly allotted time with you...

/nod /nod /nod

Although I have to this because they changed your shadoweave vest into a robe? You really don't look that silly! :)
I think that the title of Raid Leader in a progression guild is one of the hardest positions to hold in a guild, and in some cases, as hard or harder than GM. The position of Raid Leader makes the game so immensely fun for so many people. Have fun PVPing, and get some Primal Nether so you can craft some things for Oddbob!