Speedy Recovery from Sickness/Medicine Withdrawals


Staff member
Hey again friends,

A little over a week ago, I got myself a throat infection and tonsillitis. I'd helped a customer with strep the day before I came down with the sickness, so it's possible that's where it came from. Whatever the case, I've finished most of my treatment but still don't feel well. Perhaps more bothersome is that I was put on prednisone for the treatment, and that treatment ended yesterday morning. Since I stopped (even though I was only on it for six days), I've become incredibly fatigued and exhausted, to the point I don't even want to lift my arms to type. I've also got depression-like stuff going on from it, like being hungry and having zero desire to eat... or do anything for that matter.

It sucks.

I've had to take the last week off work (and since I work in sales and the handling of teas, I sure as heck wouldn't wanna risk anyone else getting sick because of me), but I'm supposed to go back in tomorrow. Aiming to do it. But it'd be nice if I felt better (and more myself) so I could do my job well. Gonna be hard to sample and sell teas if I can't lift them up or engage in conversation. lol

Anyway! Medicine is great and all, but I would definitely appreciate prayers for some speeding up of my recovery.

Thanks! :D