Some new possibilities...

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Tribe of Judah Staff Manager
Hi guys...I just wanted to ask this group to be praying for wisdom and guidance for me as I am currently struggling to decide what to do about a new job "upgrade". I am currently working on a project with Rizz for a LAN center to be opened in Tulsa, OK and have recently been asked by my current employer (Blockbuster Video) if I would like to take over another store in the Tulsa market. While this does mean greater pay and a broader range of my management skills, I would like to make certain that this is where God wants me to be. I would pray that I make the right decisions as I WILL open a LAN center and WILL remain constant in my dedication to ToJ\CGA so I will need to have the energy and endurance to take on this new area of my life. I do thank you all!!
If you can spare the time i would take the extra cash.. God will make the LAN happen if its meant to. And dont forget I can start helping once it gets moving.. I am praying for ya.
Elihu, I am praying that God will impart wisdom on you.

Don't forget the promise in Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him [God] and he [God] will make your paths straight."
Thank you all....I'll give an update in a week or so when the time comes to an end.
Well it has been made official, I will be moving to a new management position within the company and am excited about it all. I have been doing my best to prepare for leaving and preparing my staff as well as planning with some of my current staff that will get to go with me. I know that this will be a new challenge and look forward to it and that God is going to give me the wisdom I need to make this work like it should. I have been swamped as of late with all kinds of things but i am slowly getting around to getting everything accomplished (by God's hands)...thanks for your prayers and please continue to pray that I will do well in this new position that I begin on July 12th.
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