So whos on ur BF list this year?

uhhh, BF list?

Looks like a wanted list, sooo.

1) When the API for the iPhone/iTouch is opened one of those to play with. After all it serves as a mobile browsing device :P I debated the iPhone for awhile because the lowest data plan was only 20 dollars in addition, but the upfront cost was prohibitive IMO. I already have a 2gb ipod (it came free with my laptop :P)
2) More patience to work on annoying homework, job and projects
3) uhh, something that can captivate my imagination. I am sick and tired of monotonous things.
4) To take over the world by using a highly inefficient neural network designed to output ridiculously stupid riddles.
is the day after Thanksgiving and is the beginning of the traditional Christmas shopping season in the United States. Since Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday in November, Black Friday may be as early as the 23rd and as late as the 29th day of November. Retailers often decorate for the Christmas season weeks beforehand. Many retailers open very early (typically 5 A.M.) and offer doorbuster deals and loss leaders to draw people to their stores. Although the day after Thanksgiving has served as the unofficial beginning of the Christmas season for decades, the term "Black Friday" has been traced back only to the 1970s and did not achieve widespread popularity until about 2002.

Black Friday is frequently but erroneously referred to in the media as the busiest retail shopping day of the year. While it has been one of the busiest days in terms of customer traffic,[1][2] in terms of actual sales volume Black Friday is usually the fifth to tenth busiest day.[3] The busiest retail shopping day of the year in the United States (in terms of both sales and customer traffic) is usually the Saturday before Christmas.[4]
incoming former retail management weighing in. ;)

The reason the day after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday goes back to accounting 101. :) Normally losses are accounted for in red type in accounting programs, while profits are black. On the day after Thanksgiving, so much sales volume is done in one day that it can easily take retailers from being in the negative for the year, to actually making a profit, thus getting "out of the red". The impact of Black Friday sales is huge... however watch what you buy. Those $20 DVD players are usually pretty poorly made things that will fall apart after 4 months... but are perfect to have around for extra gifts for random friends/relatives that might show up to Holiday gatherings.

However for those of us who work/worked in retail, Black Friday had a whole different meaning... it was usually the most grueling and exhausting day of the year. Having to work the day after Thanksgiving when a lot of other people have the day off both interfered with personal/family plans, plus gave most employees a bit of bitterness about the whole thing. ;)
Nintendo DS web browser (yeah yeah I know, slow as dial up but I likes it)
Mouse pad with a drum picture thing across it that is touch-sensitive (I tap my fingers a lot, soo... :P)
Bass amp

There may have been some little things, but other than that nothing much.
I thought I was finally catching on to some of the young ones lingo..... I expected to see a list of friends......hopefully starting with Jesus and continuing with nice Christian friends.

Blessings and Hugs,"Angel"
I thought I was finally catching on to some of the young ones lingo..... I expected to see a list of friends......hopefully starting with Jesus and continuing with nice Christian friends.

Blessings and Hugs,"Angel"

That was actually my second guess.
I'm planning to keep the spending down since we're saving for our adoption. However, if you've got an itch to spend some money, why don't you buy a bag to hold all of your new BF goodies in. ---> :D

There are a few TV show seasons that I'd like to get if I can find a good deal. Best Buy had some great deals on TV show boxed sets last year. BF is still about a month away though, so I'll just wait and check sales ads that week.
I'm planning to keep the spending down since we're saving for our adoption. However, if you've got an itch to spend some money, why don't you buy a bag to hold all of your new BF goodies in. ---> :D

There are a few TV show seasons that I'd like to get if I can find a good deal. Best Buy had some great deals on TV show boxed sets last year. BF is still about a month away though, so I'll just wait and check sales ads that week.

dude i have that bookmarked from when u first mentioned itand im planning on buying like 3 for x-mas.
incoming former retail management weighing in. ;)

The reason the day after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday goes back to accounting 101. :) Normally losses are accounted for in red type in accounting programs, while profits are black. On the day after Thanksgiving, so much sales volume is done in one day that it can easily take retailers from being in the negative for the year, to actually making a profit, thus getting "out of the red". The impact of Black Friday sales is huge... however watch what you buy. Those $20 DVD players are usually pretty poorly made things that will fall apart after 4 months... but are perfect to have around for extra gifts for random friends/relatives that might show up to Holiday gatherings.

However for those of us who work/worked in retail, Black Friday had a whole different meaning... it was usually the most grueling and exhausting day of the year. Having to work the day after Thanksgiving when a lot of other people have the day off both interfered with personal/family plans, plus gave most employees a bit of bitterness about the whole thing. ;)

Mhm, thats interesting, thanks for the info bud.
dude i have that bookmarked from when u first mentioned itand im planning on buying like 3 for x-mas.

Maybe I'll put more stuff on MY account and you can all buy my bee-yoo-tee-full paintings.

Well, nah. I'm too lazy. you've got some cool bags though Tolkien!