So many people so little mobs. Karazhan ideas


Active Member

So we have alot of peopled keyed for Karazhan now.

We are currently trying to get two teams going on three different nights.

The orginal desire was to get everyone experience in the instance.

Every team needs-

Two Tanks
Three Healers
Five DPS'rs

One Leader with either experience or research.

So we are looking at different ideas-

One is to send the two teams more nights and rotate leaders so FJ and Q-man don't have to go every night.

Two is to add a third team, this will require a third leader and more tanks and healers.

Three, open for discussions.

Easter Week is extremely busy for many people so don't be suprised if we do not act quickly on ideas posted here. Qman is out on a honeymoon (how dare he). Icthus is sorta busy since he works at a church (the lazy bum). Many others are in performances and extra rehersals for this coming weekend.

I wanted to let you now the thoughts and get some input from others.

So, discuss and be civil.
i think the best case scenario would be to add a third team. We had one team getting experience in there and getting a little more geared up before starting the second team. i think the same thing would work for starting the third, give these two teams a couple weeks to gain some experience and gear then branch out a third team.
I think it is important to get the 2nd team rolling first. Although I would really much enjoy being able to start a 3rd team, some members just can't make every raid due to personal schedules and RL. Let's get current new people to Kara some experience in Kara and gear before we split the teams up even more to make a 3rd group.
Maybe getting the guild to a number (45) of attuned people? That would allow 15 per team if we switch up to a 3 team environment. It will also allow time for the first two teams to get some knowledge and experience within the instance. This would grant a 10 man team 5 people on stand-by to swap in based on the fight or what is needed at that time for success? Using the mentality of "hey we need an extra healer...Beriale could you step out so we could bring in that healer?"

Perhaps we set up a post that people can fill in what stage of the key quest they are at...see where others are at...and work amongst themselves and with people who are get keyed? There are plenty of people within the guild that filling a third team could be done but not all people are keyed.
I think it is important to get the 2nd team rolling first. Although I would really much enjoy being able to start a 3rd team, some members just can't make every raid due to personal schedules and RL. Let's get current new people to Kara some experience in Kara and gear before we split the teams up even more to make a 3rd group.

i definately agree with that. it is a very gear dependant instance, as we are experiencing with the Curator right now. some time to get experience and gear, and then drafting some to form the teams to help start a 3rd.

one way to do this would be to take the ones who have been in it from the beginning to start the 3rd once gear and experience come to the current new players. that way, the people who have been in there the longest and who have the better gear are always starting the new teams and the up and coming players gain the experience to take over and continue the teams
One thought I had was to pool all the players and have the team leaders make the two teams from the one pool.

  • Everybody is in the same pool and has the same opportunity to be on a team and to take some time off raiding.
  • Single pool drawing to two teams helps remove any "that team is more elite, I want to be on it" sediment barrier caused when one team experiences alot of success while the other does not.
  • If a team is shy in an area, it can draw from the pool to move forward instead of a limited number of alts.
  • Enhances relationships with more members of the guild. The team make up is constantly changing so you can connect with more guild members.
  • Encourages raiding without a "if I'm not there, the team will not succeed, so I must be there" environment. It is more casual but not so loose that nobody commits and not so strict that people feel that they can't take time off.
  • When there is enough people in the pool to draw three teams, you can do so.
  • Slower overall progression as the team keeps changing. Becomes less of an issue as time goes on as people learn each other.
  • Requires more work to track who has been pulled from the pool and who hasn't. Communication is key.
  • Set teams (with alts) tend to be more committed then more randomized teams. Not everybody in the pool can be committed to the same days.
Thoughts on gear progression:

Pre-BC raiding, specifically MC required, a gear level to start the instance and as you progressed in the instance, you required better gear which was only available in the instance you are in. I can't say that the same is true post-BC. While gear from Kara is definatly better, the opportunity to get the gear to push you further into Kara can be sought outside the instance in Heroic mode instances and via faction rep.

Personally, I don't need to raid everyweek. I can easily swap with say Laraptor week in and week out. And on the off weeks work on Heroic and faction gear and be as gear ready for a gear check in Kara as somebody who has run Kara 4 weeks straight.

Constant raiding, constant farming will result in raiding burn out. If the idea is to keep adding teams as more and more people become Kara keyed, all you do is encourage this burn out. Take it from me, hard core raider want to be, it ruins the game rather fast. Having fewer teams, rotating people in and out will eliviate raiding burn out. If you haven't experienced it, trust me, you don't want to.

Anyway, those are my thoughts for now. Take them, leave them. I do care, but I won't hold you to them.