So I'm at a midway point..


New Member
I've got enough gear that I can solidly hit 2500 dps on the dummy, which as mutilate spec generally translates to 2200 dps overall up to about 2500-2800 dps on bosses doing heroics. I was lucky to get a VoA 25 pug the other day and raid buffed hit 3800 dps on a boss, I was pretty excited about that.

I still need a few pieces of gear, I'm up to 317 hit and 21 expertise, ~3400 AP self buffed with about 25% crit.. I love to run heroics and take direction easily, I'd love to get back to raid ready.

I need to run h-gun for the ring, and I need to run heroics in general for badges for my 8.5 gear. Keep me in mind :)
You're doing pretty good for mutilate spec, especially considering your gear. Just remember that rogues scale very well in raids, and as a penalty for that we don't usually pull nearly as much DPS in a heroic (Blizzard has even stated this). If I run a heroic I'll definately try and get you in as DPS... I haven't been running many but if I do I'll let you know.
rogues are currently my #1 competition in dps on raids along w/ samboe who likes to make and appearance on the dps meters w/ his hunter. you're pulling good dps for your gear and if you can maintain those numbers in a raid, show up to raids, and be consistent with your performance...thats vet-status!
rogues are currently my #1 competition in dps on raids along w/ samboe who likes to make and appearance on the dps meters w/ his hunter. you're pulling good dps for your gear and if you can maintain those numbers in a raid, show up to raids, and be consistent with your performance...thats vet-status!

Top dps in the raid last night were Nazarus (DK) Kutlutch (rogue) Morthrax (Warlock) and Spamsalot (rogue) according to my meters......Mcfierce was busy trying to top Asheriah on the healing meters though so he was no competition :-P
I still thing meters were the worst add-on ever created. It draws peoples attention away from where it should be. Twin Valk's is the perfect example of a fight to show who is concerned about meters and who is concerned about execution. If you are of the dark essence it is YOUR job to avoid the white orbs, not the healers job to heal you through it.

And healers are too concerned with being number one on the healing meters that they actually heal through the avoidable damage, basically encouraging poor performance.

I know, I know, you can't avoid all the opposite sphere, but I've seen too many people die to a grouping of 5 that could've been avoided by strafing to the left 5 yards.
On our last run of the night on the Twins, I did challenge Fierce to a 6k HPS duel. Only one came out a victor. I did hear that I topped 7k HPS at one point, but orb avoidance slows down the process.

Trust me, Aves, I only look at the results after the boss is down or a wipe. In last nights case, members were definitely taking way too much damage from orbs. I can't fix that. All I can do is heal my rear off and hope that everyone else plays their role on the team.
Ya true that.. all the healers were healing their batooties off.. still didnt make much difference when peeps dont move a little bit to get out of orbs paths..

but all in all it did show others new to that fight what to expect and next time should be a much better encounter.. go Redeemed.
All I know, is that every time I moved to avoid an orb, I ran into 2 more. The closer you are to the boss, the harder it is to avoid them.
its rough, but like i said...its a VERY mobile fight...everyone should be moving at least 30-40 % of the time. I'd rather people get hit by 1-2 orbs than 3-5 in succession. Aves is right...meters are fun, but in fights like this...i'd rather have healing to a minimum for obvious reasons. You don't reward negative behavior and I'm sure I wasn't encouraging said behavior with the way we came back at each attempt.
It is a tough fight, sometime you take a few orbs. I pan out as far as a I can and then rotate my view so I'm close to being straight above my toon. Granted I am a highly mobile healer, when I see the orbs spawn, I try and anticipate where I am going. Also, I take the oppose essence from the group I"m in so I can go around and pick up some of those that damage the people around me. So if I'm with the dark essence, I go light and pick up the light essences. It is pretty challenging and should be only attempted by those who feel confident in doing that.
I still thing meters were the worst add-on ever created. It draws peoples attention away from where it should be. Twin Valk's is the perfect example of a fight to show who is concerned about meters and who is concerned about execution. If you are of the dark essence it is YOUR job to avoid the white orbs, not the healers job to heal you through it.

And healers are too concerned with being number one on the healing meters that they actually heal through the avoidable damage, basically encouraging poor performance.

I know, I know, you can't avoid all the opposite sphere, but I've seen too many people die to a grouping of 5 that could've been avoided by strafing to the left 5 yards.

lol...bill and I got in an argument yesterday over this :P I completely agree with you when it comes to raids...but in heroics I think they get to a point of being so easy that you can afford to concentrate more on meters if the group can handle gotta push yourself at some point. Bill was just saying in general everyone should apply their character to the raid/party...i disagree. Like in a heroic if i see a mob running rampant, I expect the tank to pick it up. If they fail to do that through a couple pulls then I will take action and hex it if need be (meanwhile while waiting for the tank to get a clue im helping offheal if need be). I completely disgree with helping the group out with totems...if it hurts the performance of my character...or if i had a choice between buffing someone elses char vs. buffing mine. Im saying that in general...of course there will be cases an enhance shammy...I will place flametongue or wrath of air down but for the most part im going to put down magma and windfury totem. In a raid this typically doesnt matter since you get buffs to replace the totems. Some people like to sacrifice ALL the time by buffing the party at the cost of buffs for themselves...well im not one of those. You still reach the same goal so it's not really something to argue about lol.
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I would agree to a point. I thing that meters sometimes do get into a contest about who can do more and people will risk things just to (win), but also I think it can make you want to do better and try harder to be better.
lol...bill and I got in an argument yesterday over this :P I completely agree with you when it comes to raids...but in heroics I think they get to a point of being so easy that you can afford to concentrate more on meters if the group can handle gotta push yourself at some point. Bill was just saying in general everyone should apply their character to the raid/party...i disagree. Like in a heroic if i see a mob running rampant, I expect the tank to pick it up. If they fail to do that through a couple pulls then I will take action and hex it if need be (meanwhile while waiting for the tank to get a clue im helping offheal if need be). I completely disgree with helping the group out with totems...if it hurts the performance of my character...or if i had a choice between buffing someone elses char vs. buffing mine. Im saying that in general...of course there will be cases an enhance shammy...I will place flametongue or wrath of air down but for the most part im going to put down magma and windfury totem. In a raid this typically doesnt matter since you get buffs to replace the totems. Some people like to sacrifice ALL the time by buffing the party at the cost of buffs for themselves...well im not one of those. You still reach the same goal so it's not really something to argue about lol.

She will even hex the tank when they are mind controlled...I'd never been a frog before. <True story>
Well, my point of posting my dps was that I was a bit concerned as to how hard it was for me to find groups. I was thinking that people figured I was a new 80, way undergeared, that would pull 1000dps and need to be pulled through every instance. While I'm somewhat new and still have some gear to get, I was just pointing out that I could at least pull my weight..
