Saturday vs. Sunday

yep but its still the most entertaining thing on tv these days that isnt filth.

With the possible exception of the simpsons and spooks. though i guess you dont get spooks in the usa.. muahaha
lol. best thing that ever happened to this lil family was the inability for me to afford cable, and the lack of a servicable antenna.

It's now been 4 months and counting with no "TV." We have a cheapo DVD player, but I broke the VCR. It's nice not to have to deal with the trash that's on. (Did I mention I retired the Playstation too? My kids must think I'm the meanest person on the planet)

As aforementioned, I love doing as little on Saturday as possible, and then getting down the business of studying on Sunday, and then through the week.
stormy whats your address, your kids need some help
they are still sane after that long with NO tv and PLAYSTATION
? Lol wrestling is sooo full of filth it isnt funny, at least the WWE or w/e it is now in the states its all trash talk f this f that, females in inapporatreate dress, sometimes i wouldnt mind but jeez, yeah its some of the biggest filth on TV why not go watch like some cartoons like dexters lab....
[b said:
Quote[/b] (stormy @ Aug. 08 2003,6:10)]Why do we even go to church on Sunday?  The early church never did that.  Who said " sabbath...  
Christ rose from the grave on Sunday! The women and disciples rejoiced. We worship and praise on Sunday rather than Saturday because it is the Lord's day.That being said...we don't need to be legalistic about it. Everyday should be to His glory, but it is a good witness to the world to have Christians meet together regularly.
Also The Scripture tells us not to forsake the gathering together as some have done.
LoJ, if I raised my children to be sane, then everyone would realize that I wasn't. Actually, they read alot, play games with each other (some more violent than others
), and (get this) play outside.

Besides, they have a ps2 at their dad's, and scam xbox time at their friends' apartment down the way.

On a more (or less?) serious note, it's been disputed when Christ rose from the dead. If you go by the Jewish reckoning of days, he rose late Saturday evening. At the end o' the sabbath.

Man, tho, I gotta tell y'all. The more we talk about this, the more I'm becoming convinced we need a THREE day weekend. Thoughts?

Welcome Jewel
yeah a whole year off would rock, but shouldnt like everyday be our day of praise?
i mean come on who can not really find something EVERY day that they can just look at or see or hear and be like WOW God did that, and just take a min to praise Him for it? so who cares what day it is on, hey when i get my church our services will be on a tues at 12:01 in the morning! lol