Looks interesting... Will check it out when i get home (as if i need something else to suck down
thats the thing though, the less time u spend on it (as long as u set your city up right) the more resources you'll have when you log back in :D
Planning to download this and try it out.

Listen players, I need help with these players. I have a good group of players who are listening and talking about the Word of God. I have sown seed for two years now. Please read this link. If you are committed to great game play and God contact me.

It is a decent game overall. Game play is better when you dual quest, but questing through the story line is good. Yes, there are Humans, lol. Light faction and Neutral faction both have humans. There are six playable factions, hundreds of units, hundreds of item combinations, dozens of building types, PVP, PVE, raids, guild wars, lots of intellectual players, I would say average player I have met is 20-30 yrs age.
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Still playing Saga MMORTS. I am slowly turning the guilds I founded over to really active players. Ended up with several G rated guilds, but not "Christian" guilds. If you play look us up. My player names for both sides are Justice League and Wizard of Oz. Since it released in Europe the number of players has increased. In the US it never became large. It is in it's second full year. Developers did not finish some aspects of the game such as the email system is limited. Just some thoughts from someone who played it from open beta. I think the units are what keeps me. LOTS of units to collect.