Review of the Abyss Training Camp


New Member
Well, it took a while to find a tank. Oh wait! We didn't! I, a Gladiator, (yes... a glad) had to tank the instance ;D
We wiped twice in the beginning while trying to figure out a certain pull (it kept pulling a boss, which would then chain aggro 4 mobs). We finally got it and plowed through the instance. It was dark and scary! all of a sudden BAM a pack of mobs runs across the screen! we then found out later only the lead mob is an elite lol.
We got to the second boss, tank n spank, then cleared to the doorway. we whip'd out our lil siege weapons and tore the door down and proceeded to the boss. Oh wait, we wiped first cuz we aggro'd way too many mobs for some reason. We got back, cleared the room and headed for the boss. We then wiped, realizing there were mobs above us and no one knew the would aggro lol.
We picked ourselves up and yea, we wiped a lot, but hey, none of us had been there (cept one person methinks) and didn't know the fights (even tho they turned out pretty basic). We killed the 'final' boss and had to return to a guard boss that we missed earlier. took 'em all down and had a blast! didn't take too long, learned a lot, and had fun all at the same time.
Can't wait to see how it'll be to be a DPS glad with a templar instead of me tanking ;D (i seem to be always filling that roll in my groups).

Anyways, thanks for reading! hope you enjoyed. God bless
Sounds fun! One of the things I like about Aion in its current state of 'newness' is that not everyone is trying to compare DPS meters, Omen Threat meters, and various other UI mods that suck some of the fun out of MMO's after awhile. Sometimes its just fun to play. =D
Thanks for the info.

I agree about the mods...I know a lot of people like using them, but for me they seem to take away the feeling of being in the world of the game and just enjoying it.
the big problem with dps meters and what not, is everyone tries to be at the top. this actually hurts things cuz of aggro and what not.
i actually change my icons for tanking as a glad. (ok, so i only change 1 icon... but i have to watch another ability closely lol! [my aoe hit]) i use my attack that lessens the target's stats, making everyone else do more damage, rather than my bigger attack that shares the same cooldown. sure, i could try to top the chart, but i'd rather be a better tank and actually kill the bosses lol.

anyways, just my 2 cents on these types of addons. i agree with u