returning. (hopefully)


New Member
Hey brothers and sisters,

I know I've been gone for awhile (since August maybe) due to going back to school and having more responsibilities in my fellowship this year. I also kinda stopped playing because guild wars was getting a bit boring to me. But i think i'm gonna give it another try again. So, come say hi if you see me around! The PvP and GvG that seems to be going on now sounds great. Also if you think this guild needs a certain build, i'm willing to try a new character. But I think I wanted to give my old character another try:


Ward against Melee
Ward against Elements
Ward against Harm
Glyph of Lesser Energy
Res Sig
Power Drain
Leech Sig

I know I haven't played for awhile and there may be alot of other builds that counters mine well so let me know if you guys have any suggestions.

Welcome back don't think I have played with you but always glad to see someone coming back to the game!! Look me up I am always up to party and do anything!!! God Bless!
PARTY!!!! *sprays grape soda on everyone*

*wipes soda from glasses* ANYWAY nice to see you back. :D

Wait a minute... I saw you in-game! CHEERS! *grape soda sprays everywhere and even gets in the pizza >.<*
woot, i came around about the time u left so glad ur back