Raid Schedule


New Member
We will be starting guild raiding tomorrow night. The schedule (subject to change as time goes on) is below. At this time we are doing a bi-weekly schedule of raiding. We will see how it goes and tweak it if it needs to be tweaked. We hope to see you all tomorrow night for 25-man Ulduar!

Week 1 and 3
Tuesday - Ulduar 25
Wednesday - Bible Study
Thursday - Ulduar 10
Friday - OS/Vault/Naxx 10 man speed run(s)
Mon - Ulduar 10

Week 2 and 4
Tuesday - Naxx 25
Wednesday - Bible Study
Thursday - Ulduar 10
Friday - Naxx 25
Mon - Ulduar 10
This is a work in progress, nothing is written in stone. If Angry see's that our group can handle more, I'm sure he'll think about how we can do it. Give this a bit of a chance to get going. Change is sometimes a bit slower than people want and we've had some fun this week so far.
Come monday I will see about continuing our 25 man ulduar run. We had good success but barely filled the ranks at the beginning. We had 25 80's but 1 was horridly undergeared and that spot was never filled and we continued to lose people during the night.

If you want to get technical about it, progression is doing stuff we haven't done before, yes? I have yet to see/hear of any of our guild runs that have cleared 10 man would that still not qualify as progression? Please correct me if I am wrong. I know 25 Ulduar is harder, rewards better gear, is further in the "progression" line, etc. I have, however, acquired my knowledge of the fights from the 10 man v. I want to choose the best course of action to make the guild progress as a whole and, considering this is our first week (4th day as of this post), I say we've done extremely well as a guild. First steps into 25 Ulduar and 3 bosses one shot.

So we'll see what happens come monday...
Come monday I will see about continuing our 25 man ulduar run. We had good success but barely filled the ranks at the beginning. We had 25 80's but 1 was horridly undergeared and that spot was never filled and we continued to lose people during the night.

If you want to get technical about it, progression is doing stuff we haven't done before, yes? I have yet to see/hear of any of our guild runs that have cleared 10 man would that still not qualify as progression? Please correct me if I am wrong. I know 25 Ulduar is harder, rewards better gear, is further in the "progression" line, etc. I have, however, acquired my knowledge of the fights from the 10 man v. I want to choose the best course of action to make the guild progress as a whole and, considering this is our first week (4th day as of this post), I say we've done extremely well as a guild. First steps into 25 Ulduar and 3 bosses one shot.

So we'll see what happens come monday...

Oh I'm not trying to take anything away from our success in Uld25. It's true what you say of Uld10 as well, we are still working on finishing that instance and I'm having a ton of fun doing it. All I'm saying is planning to have 2 nights a month devoted to Uld25 IF we get people to show up just doesn't seem like we are trying to progress on that front. We may get those same 3 bosses down twice a month and that's great but without planning any other nights of the week for time in there we'll never get much further with the time allotted.

I trust the leadership to make the right choices here and if there truly isn't enough interest in doing 25 man then we shouldn't try to force it. That being said though, if there is plenty of interest, I don't think we should stick rigidly to the schedule.
I trust the leadership to make the right choices here and if there truly isn't enough interest in doing 25 man then we shouldn't try to force it. That being said though, if there is plenty of interest, I don't think we should stick rigidly to the schedule.

Thank you Proud...and well said. My intent was not to attack, but just to support you with the information that I had. As I stated, the numbers were there, but just barely. I am perfectly fine and want to see us get as far as we can in 25 man until we hit a door that just won't open for us. So I'm completely open to the idea to try again monday and am looking forward to it. Again, thank you for your input as it help me make my decisions and formulate the best course of action for all of us.
New patch we can have extended weeks to do things, so that could better match our pace :P instead of cramming and rushing to progress we can choose to not have the reset and pick up where we left off last week.
New patch we can have extended weeks to do things, so that could better match our pace :P instead of cramming and rushing to progress we can choose to not have the reset and pick up where we left off last week.

Oh?! That's AWESOME!! About time!
Blue hasn't said anything about it yet that I can see but the feature was found to be working on the PTR's. You can extend the lockout and then you can retract the extension. Not sure how it works, under what circumstances or if it will make it into the final release.