Raid Schedule LFM


New Member
Just a friendly reminder to all, our current raid schedule is:

Tues / 25 man ICC
Thur / 10 man ICC (hopefully, multiple teams)
Fri / Casual raid night
Mon / Raid continuation night (either 10/25 man ICC)

On Tues nights, we have more people then we can get in signing up for raiding! So, everyone has caught on that Tues are our big 25 man ICC night. :D Thanks to those guild leaders that have even sat out to get other's in.

But Thur nights we need raiders also! Last night we were short tanks and healers for our second 10 man ICC Group. Would be great if we could get more people in, we have the dps signing up to go, so we just need our tanks and healers to log on Thur night also for a great fun raid!

Gratz to our 10man team for downing PROFESSOR PUTRICIDE last night!
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Maybe I can make this coming Thursday, but with my hectic schedule for the past week, I doubt it. Maybe in a week or two I can provide the healer or tank we need.