Raid Healing


New Member
I am beginning to think raid healing is impossible for me! Jeholda is resto druid that is fairly well geared (gear ain't everything) that obviously does not have a clue about what to do. I checked our thread on this and still did not pick up anything helpful. I am reading (very carefully and slowly with as much thought as I can muster) many different blogs, postings, etc. about what to do. I have successfully healed a well manned HoR in 5's, but add 5 more to that... and I lose all skills it appears. Never mind that I do not get to practice it very much. I am not following something somewhere. (/Rant)

What I am reading is that a resto druid can keep rejuv up on 17 people all the time. I read that hots are their strengths. So that is what I go for with plenty of nourish, and an instant heal of Nature's Swiftness followed by Healing Touch for those "oops" moments. Toss in a Swiftmend when needed and there you have it. Gets me the lowest HPS in the raid. I won't discuss the over-heals as I hit someone just as another's mend finishes on them.

This is another extremely subjective point: One thing I would ask for in our raids is assigned healing - you take tanks and I will take dps and ____ can help either of us as needed. Or something. Make it simple for me some how. In a 25 or 10 man, I see healing efforts much like trying to raid heal in WG...disorganized and confused about which one I should hit next, who just ran outta range as I was trying to keep them alive... Is it asking too much for our healing to be better organized to help those whose blood flow to the brain has diminished over the years? Not to mention the therapies in use for what is termed an invisible disease such as I suffer. My sharp point has become a blunt object! I feel like a medical student taking on the job of a board certified physician! That doesn't work in surgery I know for a fact! And as for learning by "It's just subjective - you will stumble on what works for you" - this is a misunderstanding of what one does for the job or a lick of communicative skills to explain it. Both of which I have been guilty in my lifetime!

I kinda feel like one of Steve Martin's brothers/relatives that played football in high school until his knees got blown. I dunno but it may have been "The Jerk." Anyhow, his strength was, "I'm slow. But I am slow." Crazy hillbilly...

Well this is one of those threads that may be deleted, but I am hoping to prod some kind of response like druid raid healing made easy... You may or may not like this. You may or may not agree with this. But it needs said.

Oh and as for jumping in any 10's that I can, fugettaboutit. Pugs usually lead to getting locked on an instance without reaching but one or two bosses before a mass exodus begins because of some reason like "I ain't playing with you idiots since you don't know what you are doing." I do try to play this as a game - not a profession - so that I can enjoy the fellowship of friends as well as just the fun of the game. And if that ain't what happens, I will seek something else like others before me. I have enjoyed the many hours this game has worked to help me get my mind off of pain. I just have to remember that gaming ain't life - hunting and fishing are! lol! Especially the kind that Christ teaches us!

Anyhow, I hope you see the humor as I try to elicit a response. My writing skills hopefully are not totally messed up! But, I can sign this:

One frustrated hillbilly! Haha!
Hey ragin cagin! Hear your frustration, wish I knew how to help you. Did you heal toc last night? How did it go? Maybe ash or another duid can give you some feedback here. One thing I can say is that sometimes it takes much time to learn how to really excell at the spec/roll you have choosen to play. If healing is something you find you really enjoy, then give yourself time to learn. Find your passion for a roll in this game, something that fits your physical capabilities, practice, practice, get your gear and hang in there! Also, make sure you have the right mods, talk to other healers.

Maybe I can share my experience. I did not just start tanking and find myself a MT overnight. I started tanking from a low level and grew by my mistakes, and sometimes frustrations but I had a passion for it as a gamer and never wanted to quit though there were plenty of times I thought I may not get good enough to raid tank. I also read, did, and learned and I'm still learning as each new boss has differant challenges. And, no I'm not talking months, I am talking years *gasp* be patient, but if you look at it as a sport and a hobby that you enjoy you will improve over time (that is what it is to me and I truely love all sports, and love competition). So, if you think GAH I can't get this, how long have you been at it also? People learn at differant rates. Also, ask someone who is good at it to spend a little time with you in game if they can, find out what they are reading and where. There are some good websites that can really help. As far as pugs, yeah I know their annoying but they can be good practice, I've pugged plenty on my alt, and they can be successful. One tip is to look at the guild the person putting the pug together is in before you hop in, if they are in a better/well know raiding guild you might have better success.
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I understand your frustrations definately =] I first off would like you to know that as healing coordinator, I am here to help you with any concerns or frustrations you have that pertain to healing. I also would like to tell you that when I am in the raids for 10/25 mans, I do assignments before the first pull of the night, to avoid confusion. I agree with Lisa that this took years for me to get to where I am now as a healer. I have played every healing class, and also raided with each one, so you could say I have a lot of experience in that area. So please, if you have any questions, do not be afraid to shoot me a PM on the forums or in-game, I would be glad to help you Sam =]

Thanks and God bless!
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Hey guys no need to worry about this, Sam i got ya buddie,, i will get with you to work with you one on one.. we will go over everything you need to know to make you have a great time in raids and be a successful druid healer.

guys i understand his frustration , and i got it.. no worries
Hey guys no need to worry about this, Sam i got ya buddie,, i will get with you to work with you one on one.. we will go over everything you need to know to make you have a great time in raids and be a successful druid healer.

guys i understand his frustration , and i got it.. no worries

thanks ash! :D
Don't lose heart Sam, it does take time and practice to understand healing. The mindset of a healer is different from a dps or a tank. If you're trying to evaluate your performance from a meter than you're in the wrong role. A healing/HPS meter is almost never a good indicator of your healing skill and neither is Overhealing to a certain extent due to the nature of certain classes and spells (paladins and beacon come to mind).

I've played 3 out of the 4 healing classes (no pally.....yet....) and one of the things I realized is to that knowing your spells and knowing the fight are very important. Your healing strategy for one fight is vastly different on another fight.

For example, you'd never really be casting Wild Growth in a Deathbringer Saurfang fight since there's not alot of aoe going on and it would essentialy waste that spells true potential. Inversely, a fight like Twin Valkyries is absolutely great in that fight since everyone is taking constant damage.

We could give you good tips and tricks to help with your healing, but it's got to be up to you to be able to apply and implement what advice we give you; we can't give you raid awareness. You can have all the gear you want + a Vala'nyr but if you have next to no raid awareness than raiding will just be a struggle.
Here is how I see it - Sambeau you are an upstanding guy with a great heart and I really enjoy running with you.

You have stated several times that you have physical difficulties - now these can't be helped and we certainly wish that they were not part of your life. God however gives us what we can handle, and you handle it very well with a godly attitude - you are a great encouragement to me.

I would ask you if those difficulties affect the way you play - see here is what I am getting at - the game doesn't recognize that some people have real physical challenges, and so people with delayed reaction times are going to suffer in especially difficult raids.

I don't think it is an issue of you not knowing what to do - you seem to understand your job very well. I wonder if the main difficulty is something that only God has control over -
and that is your reaction time. If that is the case then there really is little that can be done.

I know that this does not stop you from being a valuable member of the team, and of course we value your skills in any raid, but it just means that we are all going to have to learn to work with the challenges it might bring.

Now I am not saying you mess up all the time or anything - we all make mistakes - but maybe the source of your frustration is out of your own ability to control.

Brother you are loved and appreciated so I want you to be encouraged that we pray for you and your challenges. If any of what I have said is hurtful I deeply apologize I only want to help see you enjoy the game.
I think you should try out other healing classes :) they give you different perspectives with each one because they each have strengths. You might find one easier for you than others or you might see how to help more easily in the process.

Anyways, feel free to ask me any healing questions or tips...I'll try my best :D
I have no healing experience, so I can't help directly, but I do wish to encourage! Anyone who is willing to post something like this deserves any and all the help available!
Thanks, folks. I guess part of what disturbs me is where I am used to be on top of the curve at whatever I lay my hand to do. However, part of my challenge is that I am off the edge...AND THAT FRIES ME. But you know, God is working on me through this and teaching me something I need.

Several years ago I pleaded with God for a long period of time for him to change me and mold me to be more like his Son, Jesus Christ. I specifically told him that I did not care the price to be paid - somethings just had to be changed in my life. And wouldn't you know - He answered! The cost is high, but the value is priceless.

Asheriah did a thorough evaluation of my gear, talent tree and style. He went through a couple of instances with me - dpsing in healer gear - carefully monitoring me. We changed some things up. Now a little practice - and with my memory challenge - being told probably a few more times. LOL! Ain't it great?!

And by the way, I pay my 15 bucks a month and I will play what I please! lol! I have played other healing classes and this one is the one I am enjoying at this time. I made a druid healer specifically and although my learning curve may now be longer, I intend to master it OR I WOULD NOT HAVE GONE TO THE TROUBLE TO POST THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE! And Asheriah thinks he is competitive - he holds no candle to me! I express it somewhat different, but you do not see all of that easily in me and my gaming - unless you have seen me go after one particular player time and again while getting thumped. They may laugh, but I am learning and will beat them... I will master this healer period. I don't man to be cocky sounding, but I generally finish what I set my mind to do.

Thanks again!
And by the way, I pay my 15 bucks a month and I will play what I please! lol! I have played other healing classes and this one is the one I am enjoying at this time. I made a druid healer specifically and although my learning curve may now be longer, I intend to master it OR I WOULD NOT HAVE GONE TO THE TROUBLE TO POST THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE! And Asheriah thinks he is competitive - he holds no candle to me! I express it somewhat different, but you do not see all of that easily in me and my gaming - unless you have seen me go after one particular player time and again while getting thumped. They may laugh, but I am learning and will beat them... I will master this healer period. I don't man to be cocky sounding, but I generally finish what I set my mind to do.

Thanks again!

I enjoyed reading this =D Sambeau, I am glad that you are getting the hang of druid healing, it is very fun! I unfortunately have not had the chance to raid with you much on Kristeen, but hopefully I will see more of you now ^^
I would also like to thank Asheriah for helping you the way that he did =] I personally asked him to do so, knowing that his experience as a druid healer would definately help you with your questions/concerns.

If you need anything, do not be afraid to send me a tell in-game =] Even if we are in the raid, all of my healers know that they can ask me a question at any time and I will help them =]

Thanks again Asheriah for all of your help =]]

I can tank a few heroics for ya if you want some more practice. I have some pretty good gear, so it shouldn't be too much of a strain, and running with guildies is always more fun!
I can also tank some heroics for you, and to help you get some practice. I'm gone all week but hit me up after then. And show me what you got
Druid raid healing, imo, is indeed a different kind of skillset.

It's different than healing 5-mans, where you'd the only healer and you use all tools at your disposal to keep the party up (including lots of "big heals").

It's different than other healers, who (generally) have more, "big" instant heals and fewer HoTs.

And it's different today than it was 3 years ago than it was 2 years ago than it was 1 year ago etc. Lifebloom initiatially didn't exist. Then it existed and it became THE go-to spell for druids, with two distinct types of healing associated with it (rolling stacks of 3 vs. letting them bloom). Then it was nerfed and new spells like Wild Growth and Nourish came in and comprise a material part of current healing. Honestly I'm still stick in BC-lifebloom-healing mode. There's been so much change that you can't just "read up" on druid raid healing ... you have to read up on a very current article!

One relatively consistent theme, though, is that the druid healer's role in a raid is to keep all those HoTs ticking so as to smooth out potential spikes in damage. Because of that ... depending on the fight, you can either look terrific or terrible on heal meters even if your "performance/output" is exactly the same.

Also, more so than DPS (but not quite as much as tanks) ... healing is a class that benefits/needs coordination among people. So if you really feel ineffective, whisper the other healers in the raid and carve out a specific role for yourself (e.g. MT healing vs. OT healing vs. raid healing etc). I've found that that simple division of labor can be a huge help to the raid overall and also in terms of a healer "feeling useful."
I have been watching the dates of the articles and whether or not they apply to 3.3.3 etc. It is very different and even differs from raid to party healing.
Kyle has made me aware of some organizational efforts and has been very helpful as well as many others have chimed in to help before, during and after a raid. Thanks, folks!
Sam, it takes courage to discuss your limitations on a forum such as this. I know nothing of playing healers (my knuckles are a little too close to the ground), but I do have firsthand knowledge of how God can sometimes use a game to help cleanse the mind and spirit when confronted with life-threatening conditions. In cases like this, it is no longer "just a game." My hat's off to you.

As for the healing thing, for my part I can try not to stand in the fire...

God Bless!
Asheriah gave me some great pointers of how he sometimes tops the healing meters. I found one sure easy way to do that: let Tots die! LOL!

Thanks again, all. Instructions helped because I am now being asked to get my healer...hopefully cause he is doing a good job. hehe