

New Member
First I'd like to say that loot is always a touchy subject. /cringe
I'm new to the guild and just had a question regarding our loot policy.

From raiding with Redeemed I have surmised that our loot policy is... "whomever the item is the biggest upgrade for".

I was given an epic last night because the item I was currently wearing was worse than the item the other player was wearing (arguable). In this case I felt that I benefitted from showing up with mediocre gear. I'm just wondering if a simple roll wouldn't have been more fair? Someone who is showing up prepared with the best available gear outside of Kara shouldn't be the last to recieve epics imo. If anything we should be encouraging people to be active in obtaining upgrades so that we as a whole are more effective. Maybe I'm thinking to much into this...

For the Light,
Usually, We try to give the item to the person who will benefit the TEAM the most. We do make mistakes sometimes, however, we try to take into account a number of things. Usually there are two or three people discussing the item that has dropped.

We do need to begin looking for a different method. However, since the raid leaders pick teams, regular dkp is not such a great idea.
I do recall the situation Proud, and I appreciate your honesty on the subject, I had a couple of discussions going on with leader for all of the loot, it isn't just me to let everyone know answer the question yes we should have our raiders trying to better their gear outside of Kara...In your case the items was given to the person we felt as a team it would benefit, the person who received the item has worked hard inside of Kara as well and we take all of that into account...

At but I agree with Icthus, something different may need to happen, but we are changing people out every raid, so we are talking about that as well...
I do recall the situation Proud, and I appreciate your honesty on the subject, I had a couple of discussions going on with leader for all of the loot, it isn't just me to let everyone know answer the question yes we should have our raiders trying to better their gear outside of Kara...In your case the items was given to the person we felt as a team it would benefit, the person who received the item has worked hard inside of Kara as well and we take all of that into account...

At but I agree with Icthus, something different may need to happen, but we are changing people out every raid, so we are talking about that as well...

Ah very well... I was unaware there was more going on beyond what I was seeing. I do my best to show up prepared and do everything in my power to maximize my role. I don't disagree with the decision to grant me the loot per se, but more that I don't think the current gear a player is wearing should be a factor. I do agree that attendance and attitude could very well be considered if that's what you meant. If someone works hard to gain upgrades outside of Kara they shouldn't be penalized (maybe not the right word) for that. Thank you for the quick response.

For the Light,
To clear this up Proud...I do believe you understood what i said, but just to clarify for leaders of the raids we are here every week, we take into account a lot of different things such as meters, attendance, willingness to be a team player, are just a few things...we are able to see how all of this goes on through the months now of raiding...we are trying to make it fair for everyone...and once again Proud thank you for your honestly and feeling that you can come to us with anything that you may have a question or issue about...
Though after last night... NO LOOT FOR YOU! lol... Never have I ever seen anyone start the opera house event after we completed it. Fist time for everything...

Let's hope that it goes to help people in the future not do that.
So the lesson was:

Don't start the event after it if complete. This goes for the chess event as well. If you want to know why not the chess... It is due to the fact that the event when started casts a AE (that know no limits) silence. It's bad to have when you are trying to pull mobs to the Prince.
Shoosh you! Now you have seen everything... and I did say sorry. :(

Why does the option to start opera even exsist after completing it? why did it tempt me so? Curiosity killed the raid
LOL, I do have to say it was almost as good as a hunter FD on a wipe in AQ40 and pulling 100+ mobs on everyone that zoned in from release!!

Ahhh...the memories of kills last a few weeks, but a good wipe... that's a life time.
Or Goblit on Gehannas.

"Hey Goblit can you put your imp at the MT Position?"
"Sure, but first let me run right into Gehannas to see what happens!"
That was my imp's fault!...just like when he pulled Maiden last night....he is a naughty flourescent green monkey. <shakes head>

Ok , I'm directionally challenged!
It would work out if those selecting the teams be aware of certian class considerations, such as lots of rogues / hunters/ castesr that require same gear. All i know is the rogues scale DPS immensely with gear and as one gets more gear then the others fall behind which (if those look for the best for the team) can lead the other one to fall behind. I can only use rogues as a example and well, and this does not apply to me, i am not awesome geared but i do my fair share of DPS so i take it as it comes.

hmm not sure what i am saying, but more runs during the week always a good thing.