Question about the client from File Planet...


Active Member
Ok so I entered my open beta code and head start code on my account a Mythic, and I realize that I will not be able to even try it until officially the 7th. My question is though, it told me to go to Fileplanet to get the client well I did and it downloaded the file, and I went to enter setup and all it installed was the "patch" program is that correct? Also I may be stupide please forgive me, but am I correct when it says that "there was an error login into your account through the patch client" (mainly because the Beta is closed at the moment and I do not have access to the files) just want to make sure the client installed ok. Thanks for any help!!

Anyone got any help for me????
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Thanks it was just odd that only the "patcher " seemed to be installed while the whole file was aroun 10 GB. :)