Quantum's Karazhan Videos


New Member
This thread will be for posting videos of bosses in Karazhan. First video we have is Moroes starting from the 3rd add to DPS down, the first two adds are already dead.


I encoded the videos using the xVid codec so you will need that to view the videos.

Maiden of Virtue fight added
Big Bad Wolf added
Curator added - 2 parts to the whole video
Shade of Aran added - best attempt was to 20% HP
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Added Shade of Aran. First night ever learning this boss, we had 6 or 7 attempts on him, our best was 20% on the 5th try I think it was.
I am planning on redoing the videos, but I want to get better footage, like from the beginning of the fights instead of partway through. And I'll edit those more nicely with music and all.
There is something not right about watching yourself die.

You can see the arcane missles pwn me as I went to where the elementals where gathering so I could get my scream off, then poof, Avesthers Angelic Aura of AAAAArrrrggghhhh
Can I request "Numa Numa" behind the curator fight? And I think it's only fitting you put the flame wreath chant behind the shade video.
Edited Maiden of Virtue and Big Bad Wolf, my first videos ever! :) All unedited footage will still be there, just in the other folder. You will need the divx codec to watch the new videos.
Dude, we look like Pros! Except for big bad wolf when I took a digger right up front, cause I ran straight at him. I made myself proud the second time though. "RUN AWAY LITTLE GIRL!"

The best part is that Quantam always get's Pwn'd when the bosses are at 5%.

But seriously, nice work on the videos! (The divx ones aren't dark for me anymore, they look great!)
Unedited Shade of Aran video added, including the 1% wipe which is kinda entertaining to watch lol. Edited finished to follow soon. Check the unedited footage folder.
Sort of yes lol. I usually use my mouse hand to press the button on the Mac keyboard, so I can keep casting with my left on the PC keyboard.