PVPing New Thread

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New Member
Please post the toons you want to do the pvp.

This is going to be hard to say, but somehow I've got to say it, without sounding harsh. Sorry if it comes across harsh but here it is in a nutshell. Some of us have that have higher level have chosen to twink out a guild group pvp'r. It takes a lot of time to do this and I don't mind including others in runs and if I have time and am not tired from doing all the runs I've been doing, I'll help out in other areas. However, I'm not going to help twink out every toon you all have, this is unfair to all of us as we can't be expecting that of the guild. This is an opportunity to pick one character that you'd like to have fun with and pvp with the guild. We don't make it a practice as a guild to twink our members as it is part of the game to earn your stuff.

Thanks for the time and God Bless you all.
he wont be fully twinked until after i start running kara hopefully weekly cause i need to work on galas gear and debts :)
Love your honesty Schmeea, and I respect that and you for it. If there is anything you need from Avesther, give me a holler and should I be free, I'll be happy to oblige. Whether its an enchant (I don't have them all, sorry), enchanting materials, doing DE's on BOEs or a run to an instance, or through an instance, but then, I think you knew that anyway.
Recap of names I know. Let me know if these toons don't go with the pvp group:

Maybel=priest; Pocahuntress= hunter; Shneaky=rogue; Rebelle=rogue; Pipsqueek=warlock; Gypsyroselee=mage; Teichos=warrior; Ahmeek=shaman; Shorttbuss=mage; Esma=preist; Strange=mage.
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If anyone needs help getting stuff; I've sent a lot of stuff to Redvault, he says he's going to try to have a give away this weekend. I've been haunting Stockades for a while and now Shadowfang Keep (seems to be more blue drops at Shadowfang) Look for me on Schmeea or Pocahuntress. I've got most of Pocahuntress's stuff except a couple of hand weapons. Keep an eye open on AH = look for lvl 13-19 rare's and you'll get an idea of the stuff obtainable. Most are very hard to get random drops that's why they sell so well at AH for twinks and it might be worth it to buy the items and use your high lvl to make up for the cost.
The challenge is out. Pocahuntress has about all she needs for pvp'ing. Grab your toon and get with me about helping twink em and lets start whooping tush.
now dont forget johnna , my feral druid for the pvp party. still cant find the sentry cloak yet so im still looking. other the that enchants and im set to go . ive just been so busy with school starting this week and working on a new dps/tank for guild. ( this is brugain)
Maybel=priest; Pocahuntress= hunter; Shneaky=rogue; Rebelle=rogue; Pipsqueek=warlock; Gypsyroselee=mage; Teichos=warrior; Ahmeek=shaman; Shorttbuss=mage; Esma=preist; Strange=mage; Johnna=Druid. I had to copy paste this list as it won't let me edit my other post anymore.
I've learned a lot so far; some of what I've learned is: you have to spend money to twink and not be afraid of that. There are items that you'll only see once in a while that are good twink items and you'd better jump when you see them or you might not get it. You can't go 1/2 way, get everything you can or you won't be happy with your 1/2 twink. This first grouping at 19 had better last me til Christmas as all the time I've spent on it and gold.... it's like a puzzle, trying to make sure all the pieces fit together. Come join me, Pocahuntress is ready and let me know if you need runs. Shneaky and Gypsy I hear need some runs, so lets get together.
If a tank can help

Samuraij is always up for helping horde accross the street and over mountain tops. So if you need me, I can be there!:)
I'm more or less ready as well on Ahmeek. Still need to get my boots enchanted but right now I'm sitting around 900 hp (will be ~1000 by the time I'm done).
Bump; if your name isn't on here for us to keep an eye out for, please let me know and I'll add you. I need some other twinks the horde can focus on, guess they know my name.... :{ hehee

Got some moving towards 18 soon I hear, but am waiting for more to join me in WSG.

Maybel=priest soon to be 17; Pocahuntress= hunter 19; Shneaky=rogue 17; Rebelle=rogue?; Pipsqueek=warlock?; Gypsyroselee=mage 17; Teichos=warrior?; Ahmeek=shaman?; Shorttbuss=mage?; Esma=preist?; Strange=mage; Johnna=Druid.
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