PvP Tuesday night 10 Eastern 03-06-2007


Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
I figure we will continue of our Caretaker's Rift Build. See you all tonight!
YAY! Ill be there! I have adjusted my shock warrior. I pretty much have no attack skills just alot of knocking the enemy down. I figured Id go for an anounce than doing dmg. Ill let you ritualists do that :)
* Lamentation: increased casting time to 1 second, decreased damage to 15..75
* Gaze From Beyond: increased casting time to 2 seconds.
* Spirit Burn: increased recharge time to 8 seconds.

Ugh o gaze takes longer to cast, that gonna affect the build any?
Ugh o gaze takes longer to cast, that gonna affect the build any?

i think it accualy might help more, cause after we do a rift, it'll take about a second to hit the Gaze button, and another 2 seconds to cast, which makes it a solid 3 seconds (right when the rift exploades).

other then that i think we will be OK, just it'll be easier to interrupt.
you guys can see on Friday..