PvP Team SoE discussion


Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
Ok I like how our team is getting better and balanced I like everything we been doing with the Virulence Mesmer and a few other things. Now I need everyone to put theere heads together and figure how to stop these spikes we come accross. I am thinking we are going to have to put a Rit or an SB infuse monk into the team now to stop these spikes. So post away your Ideas how to improve our build! And I will be leading on Tuesday night afterall!
Dervish w/ Av of Melandru and Imbue Health. 1/4 second cast, 12 second recharge, 50% of Derv's health up to 300, NO health loss for caster.

EDIT: Better yet, a Mo/D with Av of Melandru, Imbue and Infuse, monk is immune to conditions (including Dazed), still gets the benefit of Divine Favor, fill the rest of the build with monk heals.
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[toj.cc]WildBillKickoff;205937 said:
EDIT: Better yet, a Mo/D with Av of Melandru, Imbue and Infuse, monk is immune to conditions (including Dazed), still gets the benefit of Divine Favor, fill the rest of the build with monk heals.

Unfortunately, avatar is linked to Mysticism attribute (Dervish primary only), so Melandru would cost 25E, only last 10 seconds and take 120seconds to recharge on a monk. Nice thought though.

Spike builds focus on taking out a single target quickly. Some ways to counter this would be:
  • Maximize health so that a single spike can't kill any character.
    • Full party of warriors with high health
    • Avatar Dervishes
  • Negate some or all of the damage from the spike to prevent a death
    • Blinding against ranger spike so they miss
    • Spell cast slow or interrupt against a spell based spike
    • Rit spirit to limit or reduce damage.
  • Spike or hex one of them so that their damage is reduced and they can't kill.
    • Mini-spike that recharges fast on 1-3 characters to wear them down before our spikers get spiked.
    • EoE and hit several of them to punish them for spiking us.
  • Use terrain to protect from ranger spike (won't help with many spell based spikes)
As far as the rit goes, he only has to drop 2 or 3 spirits to protect the entire party from spike within the spirits' range. So one thing we might try is bringing an E/Rt warder with spike protection spirits and some restoration magic healing/damage reversal instead of the Spoil Victor warder.

what about an angelic paragon? dont those do pretty well against spikes?
For extra health we could use a rit. that would spam spirits and also spam vital weapon so that we all had extra health. At 12 communing vital weapon cost 5 energy last about 40 secounds and the recharges fast so we can put it on most of a 6 man group. Vital weapon gives the person an extra 148 health at 12. Good thing about weapons spells is as far as i know they cant be removed. Also rit can bring union and shelter to help negate spikes. Spirit of fertile season gives an added health bonus for each charater in its range at 12 beastmastery it gives +290 max health.

A protection monk would do good against spikes but if its a good spike then the monk usually isnt able to heal in time. Divine intervention, Healing Hands(E),Prot. spirit, Spirit bond, Shield of absorbtion, Shielding Hands, Blessed light, are all good against spikes and most of them are 1/4 sec cast.
Yeah, spikes can be a big problem, even with wards. I've noticed a lot of blood spikes lately, though they seemed to be going out of favor for a while, and more marksmanship rangers.
[toj.cc]WildBillKickoff;206228 said:
Angelic Paragons generally come in sets of three or four.
Paragons come in sets? Are they collectible?
[toj.cc]WildBillKickoff;206228 said:
Angelic Paragons generally come in sets of three or four. BTW, is Angelic Bond an enchantment or a shout/chant?
