PVP Questions...


New Member
Here are a big list of questions...

What is "Resilliance"? My understanding is that it reduces the chance you will get crit on.

Treehouse has CRAZY crit chance. (Second highest on the server) But is that useless because when i PVP people are uncrittable?

What's up with Arena gear? I have a few thousand arena points, and am saving for Season 3. I hear that for the shoulders and weapon, you have to have a certain arena rating. (1800-1900) I have also heard that it will require a certain "team rating" AND an "individual rating". As I did more research it appears only the weapon requires a rating, and i can't find anything about an "individual rating". Can anyone shed more light on this?

How much resilliance do i need? HP?

OK, thats it for now!
Resiliance questions ansered:

Resiliance is commonly known as the PvP stat. The more of it you have, the longer you will survive in PvP. It works in three ways.

1. It reduces the chance you will be crit by mellee, ranged or spell attacks.
2. It reduces the amount of damage you take when you are crit
3. It reduces the amount of damage you take from all DOTs

Per 100 points in resiliance gear you get:
1. 2.54% Reduction in chance to take a crit
2. 5.08% Reduction in damage taken by a crit
3. 2.54% Reduction in damage taken by a DOT.

The resiliance calculation is a very simple one. If your attacker has a 16% chance to crit you and you have 394 in resilience, your attacker will then have a 16% - (394x2.54%) = 16% - 10% = 6% chance to land a crit against you. You can not reduce the chance of taking a crit in PvP below 1%. So there is a soft resiliance max based on your attacker. As you start collecting resilience, you don't see a big change in your survivability until you first get over 100, then you start to see the difference. I currently have 348 Resilience.

Season three gear:
To obtain the weapons and the shoulders, you require a better then 1800 rating. That is to only obtain them, not to keep them or to use them. But that 1800 rating is not a team rating. Patch 2.3 is introducing the concept of a personal arena rating in conjunction with the team rating. The required rating is a personal rating, which means you can not simply buy your way into a high rated team to get gear.

Resiliance to HP debate:
Each class is different. For priests, the community seems agreeable that once you achieve 10k health unbuffed, start stacking on resilience without sacrificing health. Remember, in PVP, its stamina that ensure you live long enough against fears and stuns so you have a chance to fight back. Yes, once in awhile you will met an exceptional player who can stun or fear lock you from 100-10% before you can do anything, but that is truly the rarity. And the more stam and resilience you have the less likely even the truly exceptional will be able to accomplish this feet.

Stunlock and fearlocks
These two maneoavers are exactly the same. I laugh when I see rogues complain about fear and warlocks complain about stuns. Both these moves are about locking down your opponant so you can do some damage. The truth is, both of these are extremely overpowered. If you want to reduce your time being locked down, invest in the upgaded insignia of the alliance. It removes all negative buffs on you on a two minute cooldown timer (compared to 5 of the original insignia) and it comes with a bucketload of resilience.
Awesome info!

SO, would it be better to save up and spend a ton of points on 3 pieces of Season 3, or wait til the patch and buy my full set of Season 2 at the discounted rate? (Given i have abolutely no pvp gear)

I guess the same could apply to the weapon. I could buy season 2's arena blade for a discounted rate next season. (Assuming you can still buy Season 2 gear without a rating requirement.)

Also, i switched from my huge elephant mount to my broom mount, and it seems to have taken the huge target off my back.
imo caster weapons does not matter as much and S2 will not have rating requirement only S3

u can save for the S3

personally for myself i'll be getting 900 pts a week and in the process of saving for the S3 healing set
Buy season 2 weapons when season three starts (cheaper) and pick up season 3 gear. But quite honestly, when S3 starts, compare S2 to S3 gear, you may find the upgrade isn't that big. As with all thing TBC, the gear progression at level 70 is very slow. Two or three stats here but you loose a stat there.
To add to the "PvP for Dummies" thread here (not to say that Tree is a dummy at PvP but I sure am...).

Rule of thumb wise, what's better, PvP blues or T4 stuff? I'd picked up a few of the Grand Marshall Kodohide stuff to get myself to Kara minimum requirements ... should I dust the stuff off and clear out some bag space (sigh...) ... or would a T4 purple be just superior overall?

I am tweaking itemrack to add some PvP role-specific stuff ... e.g. having my bearform set use my Helm of the Claw with the +speed metagem. But I'm wondering whether I should reexamine gear sets altogether, along the lines of
PvE healing: +Heal/MP5 > Int > Spi > Stam >>> Resilience
PvP healing: Stam/Resilience > Int > +Heal > MP5 > Spi
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I am curious too about gear. I played with my gear a bit between rounds and came up with a set of gear that I think plays best to the survivability of a protection paladin but still gives utility to my heals and damage abilities. I had 10k health, 7k mana, 425 spell damage, 520 Healing and still a decent chunk of defense and armor. My healer only set I use to off heal drops me below 7k health but gives me 1200 +heal and 10k mana. The problem is I just seemed to die quickly when focused fired when in my healing only set.
Stam and Resilience are your primary pvp stats. Once you achieve a certain HP unbuffed, say 10k HP(varies by class) you should start stacking as much resilience as possible. So if the pvp blues have more stam and resilience, but a little less +dmg/healing, the pvp blues are better.
Warlocks are NOT overpowered, priests are.

Tree, since the weapons and shoulders will have a personal rating requirement to equip them, I suggest buying the S2 shoulders and weapon once 2.3 comes out.
Yeah pvp blues are pretty nice, you are talking about the L70 stuff right? :) I have been debating about using my honor and picking up the pvp blues or saving it for the season1 arena when it comes out. I have regemmed my healing gear with +stam and looking to add more resilience and got my stuff enchanted with stam and I am now over 8k in healing gear but still need more resilience heh. Respeccing holy makes all the difference in pvp healing too, being able to not lose casting time when getting hammered by rogues and everyone else is totally worth it heh. Think I might spec back to prot for AV weekend though, tired of people who think they can tank in AV lol.
ya personally im saving for the vet stuff.. the only reason im doing it though is so i can get a good arena team cause the arena gear is really good while the vet gear isnt that good well for raiding (in my thoughts) but im horrid at farming honor
Well get the Veterans non-set epics for now, the bracers/waist/boots, since we learned that season 3 won't coincide with patch 2.3... unless with patch 2.3 you will be able to buy the gladiator arena gear with honor?
blizzard has said it wont neccesarily be at the same time, they might release 2.3 and not do season3 at the same time. Christmas(winter holiday, whatever they call it to be PC) is on the test realm too but that doesnt mean 2.3 wont be out until Christmas(I hope).
They're also going to upgrade the wrist/belt/boots to coincide with when season 3 comes out. Called vindicator's instead of veteran.