PvP Friday?

Put me down as a "maybe".

If I am able to play...a pvp sounds great! Only thing is a possible family dinner. What time are we thinking? I am PST personally.
depends what time at night. maybe like..... 10 east?
I'm in for any time after 10 pm EST. I've currently got a PvE knockdown hammer warrior and a PvP only Air Ele spiker that I can use... but of course, the spiker can be recreated to whatever.
I'd like to try it with Lana. She's not yet fully capped out and hasn't gotten her two attribute point quests done. I'm a "maybe." I spent last night trying to get my 15k armor and got close, but I've got a mission and a run ahead of me still. That's my #1 priority with a FoW or UW adventure being second. But if we collectively agree to do a FoW or UW run later this weekend or at least soon then PvP is fine. :)
Tell ya what-- let's shoot for next Friday. I'm hoping that will be enough time for me to get my Ele through to Tombs and cap quite a few skills... but we'll see.
[toj.cc]WildBillKickoff said:
Tell ya what-- let's shoot for next Friday. I'm hoping that will be enough time for me to get my Ele through to Tombs and cap quite a few skills... but we'll see.

Clarify, please? Do you mean wait until next Friday for PvP or for my FoW/UW trip? ;)
Look like I will be available tonight as well. I am game for what ever is going on. Syd is only as far as Ember Light Camp. Is she in reach of the FoW?
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ewoksrule said:
Look like I will be available tonight as well. I am game for what ever is going on. Syd is only as far as Ember Light Camp. Am she in reach of the FoW?

Oh, stop making me jealous.

FoW is entered (I think) by going to a statue in Temple of Ages. I believe that's how you get to the Underworld, as well.
Ahh man, you guys are like neck n neck with me. No jealousy needed. ;-)

Hey temple of ages is way back by Divinity Coast. I never visited there, hmm. I guess I know where I will be travelling to next.
Oh, you never went? Wow!

Yeah, there are a bunch of statues there. If I'm correct, your server has to have the favor of the Gods for it to work. When you bow at the statute it will ask if you want to go to a certain place and pay the 1 platinum charge. Looks really cool, which is why I am so interested in checking it out.
FoW forum Thread
This is a thread on astrod00d's site which has some interesting info on FoW. It has a link in there to a decent map as well.

also..can anyone check and make sure the teamspeak server is working? I have had problems connecting to it. I might not be able to speak (cause my wife is usually in room and would not enjoy a one sided conversation to my computer screen) But I could definitely listen in and answer through chat. It might help a lot if as many ppl as possible could listen in.
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I could probably listen as well, but not talk. So a group leader could issue commands through Teamspeak with the knowledge that we would obey. I don't want to wake the baby up by talking to the computer, but if he's awake for some reason I could speak.
I'm getting a socket error on TeamSpeak still, anyone else able to connect that I can chat with about it?

<edit> Well Astrodoods worked so we used that. I wonder why ours is down?
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Hey guys, that was a blast tonight, I don't know how we did in the rank of FoW trips, but I had a ton of fun! For having a bunch of first timers, I think we did awesome. We got some good shards and other drops as well. Saweet!

Thanks for letting me be part of that. I can't wait for more! Teamspeak is a great addition. I didn't talk but listening to the others helped a bunch.