PvP Friday 03-02-2007 10 Pm Eastern


Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
I will not be on till late and not entirly sure if I will get on since we are hosts for couple of guys ministering at our church this whole weekend. But I imagine you will see me tonight :).
Oh BTW is Derk or Paul or any of the Regular Team SoE members able to step up and lead tonight?
So far no one is confirmed to be there tonight. I'll see what we can do about leading, but I might be a little distracted. My replacement mobo is supposed to be delivered today! I'll be working on setting it up right until 10pm (if I notice the clock).

I vote that if we have enough for HA, we try the Caretaker's Rift (Rit spike) build more. Friday hasn't had enough sho up for 8v8 lately, so the chance to GvG is probably out.
We did a modded Caretakers Rift Tuesday got to halls and lost because we didn't know how the place was one Longer you hold alter the more points you score!
We took 2 Caretaker's Rift Rits 1 Sandstorm Warder 1 Monk 1 Rit Spamme (Mainly Dmg and Blinding spirits) and a Hammer warrior which can be replaced with a Sin or maybe a Bunny Thumper.