PvP Friday 02-16-2007 10 Pm Eastern


Tribe of Judah Aion Chapter Leader
Sadly I will not be there till late. So I am hoping Paul or Derk or maybe even MM? Will lead tonight. Probably be running some sort of Searing Flames build.
I hope Derk won't mind if I step up to take the PvP reins this evening, because I have been wanting to try the e-drain/Mind Blast build and this is probably a good time to do it. For this build we will need FIVE Mind Blast players, who can either be Me/E or E/Me. They will all need Mind Blast (elite), fire attunement, meteor shower and some form of self heal (ether feast or aura of restoration), the rest of the build is somewhat flexible. We will also need 2 Rt/Mo with spirits and reversal of fortune, who should both be players with some monking experience and a wide variety of spirits unlocked so we can be sure there isn't any overlap. The final thing we need is a good W/R with Quickening Zephyr (VERY important), Nature's Renewal too if possible, and a healing sig.

If you are new to PvP and want to join up for this build, please create a PvP only Ele or Mesmer and buy the elite skill Mind Blast if you don't have it already. If you need any assistance with this process, pm me and I'll be glad to help you get set up.

To prevent us from standing in the guild hall forever waiting to find 8 people, I am going to ask one of our Team SoE members to take the first three people who show up into team arenas to practice this build. Anyone want to volunteer for that responsibility? I'll remain in the guild hall to recruit the remaining players until we have eight.

On a final note, please don't come expecting this build to work perfectly the first time we try it, and please don't dismiss it until we've had a chance to refine the coordination of spirits and meteor showers and the targeting of the Mind Blasts. It is going to take some practice and we are probably not going to win very much, if at all. If everyone understands and accepts that, we'll still have a great time. :)

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I need someone to help me cap SF. I mean, I won't be able to attend either way, but I don't have SF yet. I'd also like Savannah Heat but that's far from where I am now.