Pre Service Exercise


Officer SOE/LoE/Where's "here"?
I don't do this often enough, but here is a thought. How many of you instead of milling around before the service starts go up front and kneel at the altar and pray for the service to be a blessing to all? I know some do it, but think what the service could be like if more do it. Pray for the leaders and pastor(s) that they may speak and act in God's will, good pastors will love this. Just kneel there for a few minutes and pray instead of catching up on social life. When I do it is when I am setting up sound during Sunday School. What a change we could make in our own personal walk with Christ being this concerned for our pastors and leaders.
Our church is a huge growing phase right now. Praise Jesus! We are in the process of constructing a new building, but right now we are holding 3 services on Sunday morning to accommodate everyone. During each service there is an old nursery room that is used for exactly what you are talking about. There is a group that meets during every service and prays for the leadership and the congregation as the service is taking place. Its such an amazing thing to be apart of knowing someone is praying for my heart to be open and receptive to the Word of God. Additionally, I've volunteered a few times and its a huge blessing to sit in with some of the real prayer warriors in my church family.