Prayer: The Job Search(TM)

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Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
Hot on the heels of the purchase of my new car and subsequent increase in car insurance rates, I discovered yesterday that the company whom I work for (via a Tulsa employment agency) is losing their biggest client, a local hospital, as of June 30, 2004. The company will be terminating their contractors March 31, 2004.

I may or may not go over to the hospital's IT (information technology) helpdesk. Few details have been reported yet, but I am preparing to re-tool my resume and submit it and applications to several Tulsa companies. During this month, I am in desparate need for guidance as this turn of events opens up several opportunities, all valid.

Please pray that I have favor with potential employers and others, wisdom regarding how to approach the situation, prudence (because prudence is always a good thing), guidance to see what is the perfect will of good (as there are many good options, but only one that God deems His best), and much peace.

I'll report more as it becomes available, but I ask you all to include me in your prayers. The less time I have to spend searching for a new job, the more time I get to spend with the community here! And the Lord knows that my heart is with you all.
I will pray for you, but remember, why would God give you the perfect car for you, if He would not give you the perfect job for you?
Hey Tek. I will be praying for you. As you know, I can totally relate to what you must be going through. I'm still looking myself.
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