prayer request

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GFC#5 Deadly Waffle
a good friend of mine sent me an e-mail, her little 9 year old brother has been rediagnosed with cancer in his brain and spine.

any prayers would be appreciated..

Hey Tim,
thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers. It really means a lot to me. Dylan
is having a pretty good day today. He mostly just sleeps all day but he's
comfortable and not in any pain which is the most important thing. I would love
to say that I think God is going to heal him, but I really don't think that's
going to happen right now. Of course we never know what God is up to, but the
most important thing is that Dylan doesn't remain sick, even if it means he
can't be with us much longer. Today a pastor guy came and asked Dylan the 5
questions and he answered "Yes" to every one. The doctors have given him about 6
weeks to live but of course no one knows how long any
of us have. I came down that way on Tuesday to take care of some stuff and
actually ended up in the emgerency room (I had a severe anxiety attack and was
hyperventilating and stuff) so they made me talk to a psychologist who made me
get on some anti-depressants. I came back up to B-ham last night. Some days are
really bad, other days like this one I have peace that only God can give and I
know that only God can heal us all.
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