Prayer Request

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New Member
*Sigh..* I don't know how to start out, but here it goes..

My father left to Korea today. The time was 9 AM western. He will be going to Los Angeles and take a flight there to Korea..
Our family is not divorsed, but my father can only visit us during vacations because of his job in Korea. It's a great sacrifice that he made to let me and my sister Study in USA. To make things possibily worse, my cousins are staying here after my father left.. frustration is starting to overwhelm me and the fact that I have to bear with them again with my father gone back to Korea, i just want to stay quiet by my self. My father is probably the only one who had helped me so much during my study, with encouragement, and the reminding emails. I believe i'll be seeing my father again in December, but this may not be possible since he is reaching the limits to visit us. (Visa and all stinking problem T_T) So please pray for our family and my father.

God Bless,
Thanks for letting us know. I will pray for strength and wisdom. I take it being with your cousins can be difficult.
Heres the Report. He's made bak Safely to Korea. I've talked to him and chatted couple days ago. He's all well. He may have a chance of visiting us again this Winter, but we do not know yet (i really hope God will give him the chance to) Thankyou so much all for the prayer.

My dad's tought me a lot about Computer and the network system too. He was who told me that the look of computer wasn't the real skill but the way to be patient and programming skill was the real winner in the Computer's digital network. He's a number 1 dad to me and yes, I am proud of having him as my father in Earth

Thankyou all again, it's been a good help.
*winces* This one hit rather close to home, so I'm going to share a few personal thoughts and elevate this on my personal prayer request list.

I rarely discuss my personal life, so few of you know that my father has been working in Florida since December 2001. My mother and I live in Oklahoma so we only have rare chances to see him. I understand that traveling between Florida and Oklahoma is much easier than traveling between Korea and the US; again, I don't mean to say, "Look at my suffering, it is equal to yours." I mean only to tell you, as I told Andy in my other post, that you are not alone.

I will pray that your father has wonderful favor with man so he may visit as often as possible, but I'll also take it a step further and pray that your entire family will find a way to all live together. There are so many families out there that flippantly throw off the ties that bind them that it grieves the soul to see a family that wants to be together separated by distance.
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