Prayer request


New Member
Hey y'all!

You may remember from a few months ago that I had gotten a call about a job that really could have made a difference in the life of my family. I didn't get it sadly, but I have had an opportunity to come up that I'm truly excited about.

Some of you may have heard me talk about being a therapist, I provide mental health services as a sub-contractor for a private practice near my home. Recently a school near my home lost it's school guidance counselor, and I'm applying for the position at the recommendation of a fellow-church-member who works at that school (and who has had success in the past helping people get jobs there because of their respect at the school). Working full time and having a salary would be huge for my family.

I've done my part, gathered good recommendation letters, written a nice cover letter, and have been praying about it myself as well as learning more about school counseling from friends and the internet. However, I could definitely use some prayer power on this one. If you have a chance, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks all!
Update! The job I really wanted to get didn't pan out. On the upside, I have received an offer for another counseling center, so I'll be working as a therapist at two places instead of one, which should help me get clients, experience, and credit towards my mental health license faster.

When a door closes, a window opens!