Prayer Request


New Member
I know I haven't been around much at all lately but I couldn't think of a better group of people to bring this up to.

On February 21, I will be preaching for the 3rd time. Some might be thinking that's not a really big deal, but I will be turning 17 in March. I got the urge to go talk to the spiritual director at my school and ask for a date and thats what he gave me. So, please pray for me as I go through the writing process and the preparation of drawing even closer to God to present His word.

If I can, I'm gonna have the sermon recorded and I can upload it up here or I'll just post a copy of it on here.

Please pray! God can and will move in unbelievable ways if you let Him use you. I say yes to His request.

Thank you.
Your brother in Christ,
You've got it brother! I'm really amazed and impressed that you not only feel the calling of the Lord into ministry so young, but that you have the courage to stand up for Christ! You are on my prayer list, and will stay there until February 22nd.