Prayer Request - Sleep Schedule


Slave to Christ.
Howdy Y'all.

The last few weeks my sleep schedule has been all messed up. Between working 2nd shift the week before Christmas, to doing a lock in, to being off work for a week, to New Years, my sleep schedule is just totally messed up. I can't seem to get it straightened out... as an example, I slept from roughly 10:30am - 8:30pm yesterday... and have been up all night now trying to stay away the rest of the day.

I work 1st shift so this has been a major issue the last week.

Please pray that I'm able to get my sleep schedule back to normal. I've been feeling un-healthy (you know... the feeling where you just don't feel good?) the last week or so due to it.

Just an update, my sleep schedule has got back to "normal", well, as normal as I can expect.

Thanks for the prayers.