Prayer Request - Friend many issues


Slave to Christ.
Howdy Y'all.

I got a chance to talk to a buddy of mine I used to work with named Randy, and he is going through a lot right now. He had to sell his house at the beginning of the year, due to a divorce and ended up losing a lot of money on that, which means he is currently homeless, staying with friends. He was "let go" about 3 weeks ago from work for "performance" reasons... Although due to the timing, that is highly unlikely (they had just laid off 10+ other people). So now he is not only homeless but unemployed.

He has been struggling with the divorce (his wife of over 20 years left him) and he has a lot of health issues. He said that he has been having some weird issues pop up the last few weeks, which may or may not be due to stress and everything going on.

Please keep him in your prayers, as he has a long road ahead and has been hit left and right. The one good thing is that he has been working with a healing ministry which has been good as it has given him a small group of support people and something to be involved in. He has said that his faith has been battered lately and he needs prayers.
