Prayer request, friend in ICU


Slave to Christ.
Please pray for my friend Steve Hoffman. He was in a terrible car wreck a overnight and was air lifted to UC. He is currently in critical ICU. He wrapped his car around a phone pole.

Please pray for his daughter and son Lexi and Eric too.
He's awake now, in a lot of pain. My mom/family took his kids down to Mammoth Cave on their vacation this weekend so the kids got away and were able to have a good time. Thanks for the prayers, please keep praying.

An update. He is out of the ICU. He will be in rehab for the next year or so... His parents have custody of his children right now. I will update more when I find out more.

Thanks for your prayers.
Just wanted to post a short update. He'll be therapy for the next year or so. He has lost his apartment. His parents have his children now, they're going to a new school, they're doing well. Once he's healed he will be facing a lot of charges... Please continue to keep them in your prayers.
