Prayer request for I'M4JESUS

The Mighty Gerbil

Tribe of Judah TF 2 Chapter Leader & CGA Admin
Staff member
I mentioned to a new Toj member HolyKid321 or on Steam []-I'M4JESUS that we had a prayer forum and he had a prayer request to "just pray for me that my faith gets stronger in the Lord" . Not sure he got to the idea to go make the forum post himself so I'm just putting this out there for him. I believe he is a relatively new Christian but seems like a nice guy.
definitely remember him. praying for him that God would reveal himself in new ways and that following faith would be action to find community of believers to be with him and encourage him.
definitely remember him. praying for him that God would reveal himself in new ways and that following faith would be action to find community of believers to be with him and encourage him.

And praying. :)