Prayer Request - Bad weather


Active Member
The title doesn't do justice. We had a storm roll through on Thrusday afternoon. It's knocked out our power and that of 24,000 of our neighbors. To top that the temperature hit 103 yesterday and is supposed to hit 105 today. There are a lot of people trying to deal with the heat and clean up from the storm. On a personal note, we had to sleep at the church last night (something we can't do tonight because of Sunday services) and my mom refuses to leave the house.
Wanted to add an additonal request. The A/C went out at our church and the water main down the street broke. We are combining services with a neighboring church, Praise God. This naturally is going to cause a lot of stress on our Pastor and the Leadership Team (of which I am a part).
Wanted to update everyone. Power's back, A/C's on and the heatwave broke. We have had to clean out the refrigerator and we will need to replace the food but the house and family are fine.

Please pray for our Leadership at Timberlake, we have to either fix the A/C unit, or move to a new location by the end of the month. We've been looking to move for several years, but the locations have not been right.

And finally, Praise God that with the issues that we've had with the weather and such, I got an inheritance check on Saturday which will alleviate our financial problems for a little while at least.
Update here.

The landlord fixed the AC. We worshiped that Sunday with another fellowship down the road and it was awesome (the sermon was about tearing down the walls between churches to work for God's Kingdom, this was planned months in advance).

Also, we are presenting a building to the congregation tomorrow. Pray that He makes his way clear to us.

Also, with all of this, I ended up going in for emergency surgery a week ago Sunday to fix an incarcerated hernia. Yea. Praise God I was let out of the hospital the next day and I've been cleared for driving and light duty again. I got back into the church for the first time in two weeks yesterday.

Oh, and I nearly forgot. Pray for me, I am being interviewed by our regional Conference about getting my license. I could be a Pastor officially next week.
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Prayers here. btw out of curiosity what denomination, not that it matters.
Churches of God, General Conference.

The congregation reacted very well to the building, BTW.
Update here. We are polling the congregation on Sunday. A positive response means we move forward with the lease and start a capital campaign to renovate the building.

My interview with the conference went well and I have been accepted contingent on the completion of some paperwork. Yes, that makes me Pastor Kahiel. :D
Yay, we'll have another pastor in our community! :D
