Prayer request. AKA see you all Wednesday/Thursday


New Member
Please pray for me and my youth group. We will be goin to West Virginia tomorrow and we will be white water rafting on the New River. Please pray for safety on the roads and on the river. It was a great time last year and I can't wait to challenege the fury of nature in the form of somewhere around 2 gallons of water per second pumping at us. Its like WOOOO!!! Here's a video of a group goin down the river and it just shows the rapids.

Wish you all could come.

Oh yea. Video here

I love the New River!!! My wife and I have gone with our friends twice now. One of our friends lives down in Beckly (sp?) and her dad used to be a river guide. So much fun. What company are you going with?

I will definately be praying for your safety. The first time we went it was great, tons of fun, had a large 8 man raft, sat in the middle, water height was perfect.

Second time was not as much fun. Felt more like a fight for survival than something fun that people do. Of course, the river was rough, our guide wasn't as good, and I was in the front of a smaller, 6 man raft....
1. You don't go WW rafting to stay dry. :D
2. Have a great time!

I went rafting up in Maine (the Kennebec River) on vacation a few years ago. It was a blast. I SOOO want to go again.
Haha white water rafting is AWESOME. I went with a church group to the arkansas river in Colorado. Class 4 & 5 rapids....what can i say its a blast!

Hope you have fun & will pray for saftey
Woot the Arkansas River is like 5 or City Blocks from my house :P. But there are no Rapids in Southern Colorado they are more up North which means you were around Salida and Canyon City Colorado. I have driven by the rapids there many many times!! Woot!
Ya i think we were pretty close to Salida, we were bout a 30 min drive from the continential divide. Colorado is a very pretty place.

Have a great trip, Ben. We expect to hear all about it when you get back! We'll pray y'all have a great, safe trip!
God bless BEN HAVE FUN!! Be praying for you and your group for a time of fun and getting closer to the Lord. AS well as your safety.