Prayer: More volunteers

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Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
I ask that everyone pray that the Lord start moving in the hearts of those that would help build these ministries into the tools that He would have them be. It's no secret that I am in sore need of help on almost all fronts, and that means I need more people to volunteer to help. I don't post this to guilt-trip anyone into volunteering but rather to ask that everyone earnestly pray to the Lord that He will send laborers across the path of the Christian Gamers Alliance and Tribe of Judah.
well man,
I'm glad you mentioned something, cool, yeah I'll be lifting you up.
I'm not to expectant that you'll respond to what I'm asking, I don't want to take from the Lord's provision, but could I ask what your looking for? Or what needs volunteers to help with? Do they need to be close geographically?
I guess I don't know why ppl wouldn't be signing up to help you with this. I would like to help with whatever I could, but I am not knowing if I have any useful skills.
BTW, I was thinking about the sc maps I sent you, and I can't remember with what E-mail account I sent them, and to top it off I think I gave an account at the end that isn't registered with TOJ, lol. so the maps "the stitch" and stuff, that was from me, selajah43, Ben lol -

so, praying for the work and you man, peace out
Anyone who can help will be put just tell us what you can do..Ive managed to fill out a whole section in my resume cos of toj
[b said:
Quote[/b] (selajah43 @ Mar. 22 2004,2:14)]I'm not to expectant that you'll respond to what I'm asking, I don't want to take from the Lord's provision, but could I ask what your looking for?

First and foremost, we're seeking people with the proper attitude of a volunteer. If a person has the right attitude, we can train them to do any number of things in our community.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Or what needs volunteers to help with?
Oh, my, so many things. *chuckle* I'm even going to be creating new positions in the coming weeks for new volunteers.

Right now, though, my most urgent need is for a Member-Group and Affiliate Recruiter for the Christian Gamers Alliance. This person would need to have a good attitude, excellent grammar and spelling, and good "people skills." They would be contacting potential CGA member-groups and affiliates and "courting" these organizations.

I still also need a Sponsor Information Package Project Leader, who would be responsible for assembling the Sponsor Information Package we sent out to potential ministry and corporate sponsors. E-mail me at tek7 AT cgalliance DOT org for information on either position.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Do they need to be close geographically?
The only time geographical location is a concern is when a significant different in time zones would keep a user from attending scheduled events--but only if necessary to perform one's volunteer duties. If the tasks assigned to a volunteer were not time sensitive, then they could live anywhere in the world and still help us out.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]so the maps "the stitch" and stuff, that was from me, selajah43, Ben lol
Aye, I got that. I scratched my head a few times, then realized what the attachments were. I'll be sure to upload them as soon as I can find some free time at the helm at home (I usually post to the forums while at work).

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]so, praying for the work and you man, peace out
Thank you! I can always use more prayers.
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