Prayer for my job

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New Member
well ugh its not my job or anything about ti that is driving me nuts its that i love it and my hours are getting bad i had 20+ last week and now only 10 this week they only have me working 2 days and from what ive heard that cant be too good im praying that they're not trying to let me off slowly but that there was just a mix up in this weeks thing but lately man my hours have been bad and im trying to save for college and a car and so just if you guys could be in prayer. just that God's will be done like im not saying i want to be selfish and just stay where i work but if he has something better i wanna know lol cause just like im going up to IL in a couple weeks to visit my bro and we're going to work on my plans for my future and im just in a confused state right now about it all and i know this is long but i know i just joined but i feel close to you all and that i can trust to all, thank you!
yeah man, will do, BTW where do you work? I'm in the same kind of situation, It's lame trying to save for school when you're not gettin' any hours, hang in there.
i work at mcdonalds lol, its not a bad job though and well my prayer was pretty well answered to an extent i got my new schedule and i work 5 days next week, but they're all half shifts so its not as good but its still work every day and money
there are only 2 sentences in that post. that's the longest in the world. hee hee

The great thing about prayer, is that we can ask for anything. If this is the job you love, then you can be confident that God is in it. He loves to give good gifts to his children.

So i'll be praying for you too.


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