Prayer for my brother and family

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My brother, Devon, who is a few year younger then myself, a loving father of two children (10 and 5) and a loving husband has an unidentified infection in his hand that has moved into his chest. The doctors are stumped and he is seeing a specialist in Infectious disease Wednesday morning. The infection in his hand started Tuesday morning.

In the afternoon, the doctors were talking about amputating his hand, tonight the found out the infection has moved into his hand.

Please, pray for him. I don't know where to begin, he needs soooo much support right now and so do we, his family. Please, keep us in his prayers. Wisdom, strength, a cure.

Thank you
I talked my brother yesterday morning and things are looking ok.

He is on a 24 drip intervenous antibiotic drip. The swelling in his hand has gone down but the swelling in his arm and chest has gone up. Appearantly this is expected.

It is a blood poisoning that is travelling through the fatty tissue under the skin. The doctors are expecting a full recovery within a week.

Thank God!!!
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