Pray for me

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ToJ | Dead_Aim

New Member
Guys I really need you to pray for me. Ive been really sick lately with alergies on top of sinus infections and bronchidus(spell). My immune system is down to nothing, I catch any little thing and Im just sick, dizzy, and shaking. I went to an alergist yesterday only to find out Im severly alergic to everything they tested me for and I have to start alergy shots twice a week one in each arm.

Ive missed 8 of 17 days of school since Jan 7th when new semester started and I take all Honors/AP classes and Im very behind.

Im overwhelmed at the moment and I feel like crawling under a rock and dying. Just keep me in your thoughts and prayers til I can shake this.
Dead Aim, perhaps you should talk to your teachers about finding someone to tutor you until you get caught up. My senior year, I had several health issues come up and now that year, academically, is just a blur that is only memorable because it's so blurry now. Either way, you're in my prayers.
I had my mother call the school yesterday for them to get some work together for me, I can teach myself most of it but Honors Algebra II is a beast to teach myself (I completely understand w/notes and examples etc) but to try and figure it out on my own sux.
Going back to school tomorrow. That means I get all my make up work
Please pray for me that I have time to do ANYTHING this weekend/next week.
from a guy who had many years of allergy suffering, heres a couple things you can do to help your body with the allergies...

Load up on vitamin C.

Take vitamin B (balanced B complex is important).

Take bee pollen capsules... they help immensely.

Vicks vapor rub was great for me... heat up some water until its steaming, throw in some vapor rub. Put a towel over your head to 'trap' the steam and just breathe in the vapor steam while you slowly stir the vapor rub into the water. Good stuff

I'll be praying for ya man.

i hear ya on the allergys and sinus infection. i get one like 3 times a year from may-november. just to let u know ur alot braver than me taking 2 shots a week. for me i doubt i couldt ever do it. and school.. bah u can do it. and ur in my prayers man no doubt bout that
Im praying for you Aim..knowing about how miserable sinus trouble is. Exodus is right about the bee pollen. What might work even better is trying to find honey that is made in the region that you live. The flowers that bees get their pollen from is probably alot of what you are allergic too, thus when eating local(regional) honey, your system will start to build up an immunity to such flowers when you eat the honey. I have also found that Eucalyptus oil can be very helpful. There are two ways you can do this. You can buy the kind you put in water and use in an oil burner that will give the frangrance off, or actually buy some that is used as a rub that you would put directly on your nose/sinus'. Hope that these little remedies might give you some relief. Once again, I am praying for you.
Oh man. I feel for you. I pray you can overcome these allergies.

If you don't mind, may I offer a different recommendation? My family has been going to a chiropractor the last 2-3 years. She (and many others) do what is called allergy elimination. If your parent's insurance covers chiropractor care, I highly recommend doing this. Even if they don't cover it, it is such a great way to go. We have had many allergies completely eliminated. From your typical pollen ones, to foods, even allergies to certain vitamins. I recently had huge welts all over my legs and stomach. Turned out I was allergic to clothing dye, which made sense since I had been wearing my new clothes from Christmas. One visit to the chiropractor and within 2 days my skin turned back to normal.

No shots or anything. Chiropractor care is based on keeping your spine in alignment. It's not really about back pains and aches. By keeping your spine aligned, your nervous system can properly do its job.

I know some people may not like chiropractors, but we have seen such huge changes in our health.

I know I'm rambling, but this is something I am rather passionate about.
Geez Good luck with that Dead aim... I have alergies too, but not too serious... I had a sinus infection freshman year that was really bad... I had to have surgury because of it.  It was kind of weird because I stayed home from school and went to the Doctors September 11 2001
I'll keep you in my prayers!
Well guys just thought I would let ya know that I got surim in today for my allergy shots and I start 2shots per visit (2 visits per week) Monday. Wish me luck and lets hope I have no BAD reactions to the injections. Please continue to keep me in your prayers

<3 Micah
Will do aim....My son also has severe immunity and allergy issues (IGE count over 30 000) so I know what you are going through !!

We are praying mate !!
Had my first shots monday, I had a late night reaction to them and they had to dope me up on benedrayl and I slept for 15hrs straight. GG can't wait for next ones!
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