Pray for me :-(

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New Member
So yea um like it says. I'm pretty much being kicked out of my house, without being kicked out. Doesn't make any sense unless all the dumb lil deatils are understood, so yea. Pretty much, really soon I'm going to need a place to live and I have no idea where I'm gonna go.
Not a clue how I'm going to afford living anywhere, let alone things like food, and utilities. I can't seem to get a job for anything, and with school starting Thursday I really can't work a whole lotta hours. Unfortunatly I go to a commuter school so there's no dorms or anything. It's all very overwhelming.
Pretty funny I guess, considering earlier tonight I was talking about how much I've tried just to live a comfortable life since I graduated from high school. Knowing that I need to live more by faith, and knowing God would be taking me somewhere I'd have to. Just wasn't expecting so quick, and I kinda have to rely on Him for everything right now since I don't know how anything's going to happen. I know He's going to provide for me, but pray for me please I need it. I know I can't make it by anything but faith, and it's really hard to be patient and wait on Him in times like this.

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