Praise and a prayer request

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An update on my dad, he's doing better, he is on the sodilol, and happily there have been no major side effects. He has been feeling kinda weak lately, just a side effect of the meds, and he did go into fibrilation the other day; not for an extended period of time so hopefully just a random isolated inceident. So I am asking continued prayer for him in that situatation.

Also, on different note, my dad is sick of his job, he's been at Boeing for 18 years now, and he doesnt get much respect and his boss bad mouths him all the time. He had an interview today for a software development position but they didnt like his computer science degree or his 18 years of programming experience, so he doesn't think he'll get that job. He told me that he thinks that his current manager told the program director where he was applying that he was a bad worker, but i dont know. If you guys could pray for him that he can find a new job and help him perservere through his current job, also hes been getting flak from his managers about him taking off work for his heart. so i dont know, but your prayers are appreciated.

thanks guys
i was out there by frys the other day and saw the boing biulding in renton... that place is huge... on topic, im glad he is feeling better, do u think his boss could have created some stress and that may have affected his heart???
yeah, on atown's comment, the doc said it wasnt stress related, so probably not.
but some good news, my dad did get two job offers. one, ironically, from the place that turned him down in the first place, and another one within the same program hes in now just in a different part, and under a different manager. so praise for that.
also, doc said he could get back to full activity level so hes back in the gym working out and what not. so thats good, thanks for the paryers guys and requests for continued so that his condition continues to improve
update on the job search, my dad did take a new job in software development with the same group hes with now, and the jerk-boss is getting relocated to st. louis so he will no longer be an issue, so prety much just an awesome praise about this, hes been sick f his job for a while and sick of his boss, but now it seems like the end of that is here, so once again, praise god!!!
Praise God indeed! the whole Boeing thing in Washington is tough on many families I know. I am SO glad things are working out for you Dad. I know my dad is also just leaning on the Lord for many things in the future...many things.
So, AMEN to that brother. The Lord is SO good!
update on my dad's heart. sadly the medicine that he was on, the sodilol, which they upped the dose a couple times is still not working
, so they moved him to another one to see if that would do anything. that started last week. and not any great improvements as of yet. my dad seems to be losing heart not necessarily in God or in anythign particular, but he seems to be getting depressed about this whole ordeal. I ask for continued prayers about this, i thought it was all over, but alas it is not yet, and options seem to be running out, thanks for the prayers guys.
My dad went to the doc today to see if an operation was an option, they say no, so hes stuck on medicine that doesnt work very well for the rest of his life. Unless something miraculous happens, *prays* he'll have this condition the rest of his life. im asking for prayers in this matter, he seems pretty down about the whole situation. thanks guys...
hey skwidboy havent seen u around much good to hear from ya, and i will continue prayign for ur dad
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