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New Member
Please, I know a lot of you don't like me, and I know you have your reasons, but I need your help now most of all. I'm not feeling it, I'm not feeling alive. Lately I've been flipping out on people, for the stupidest reasons. Today, when my sister tried to scold me for not bringing in the mail, I screamed and cursed at her. I don't know whats wrong. A lot of things are happening. My social status has been wavering lately, I'm having bad feelings in the pit of my stomach that my girlfriend is going to break up with me. I'm beginning to go out of control. I know some of you have problems with me, but please....

I really need you now. More than ever.
I know that some around here have not been impressed with how you have acted. But, we are all Christians and sinners at the same time. We can seperate the actions from the person and know this, we still love you, sometimes as hard as it is. And not only us, Jesus does as well. Focus on Jesus and pray and ask that he opens the doors you need open and closes the doors you need closed.

I'll put you on my prayer list and I'll start praying for you right now.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Please, I know a lot of you don't like me, and I know you have your reasons

I assure you this is NOT the case. We have guidelines to follow and it always is difficult to follwo them when it means coming against a brother in Christ. I havent been in the situation myself but i know the ones i have dealt with have hurt me probably more than them. So please do not take the actions against you as ones of hate.

I will be certainly praying for you. SHould you wish to chat my IM info is on my website linked below.
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