Please add to the prayer list

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My brother is going through some stuff with his x. They have 2 kids. Please pray that they can turn their lives to God for the kids sake and even if they can't work it out, things don't get too nasty. There's allot of information about this I can't divulge at the moment but it has gotten bad.


It will be included on the newsletter this week.
Hoping they can listen for God's decisions.

Blessings, "Angel"
Praying that they can turn their ears and hearts to God to hear and accept his wisdom this matter, definatly

My brother is in jail facing felony assault charges. Please pray for my parents and my brother and his kids as all this plays out. This is going to get ugly for my family and all the prayers that we can get will help.



He has been bailed out by my parents, and some great things have happened. He still faces charges, but he has a more positive outlook on things. The bailbondsman that my parents used, was a Christian man who was a regular attender at a church in Austin my brother and his girlfriend had attended a few times. This man talked to my brother and got him to meet with the pastor of that church for some counciling. My brother has since getting out, started attending reguraly, gotten baptised and is seeing this pastor for counciling reguraly, and is attending AA 3 days a week. God is working in his life and I do hope that this is a long term thing. Thank you for all your prayers.

Things are certainly looking positive
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