Playable races...

Hehe this is old news. I would think races would be cool as long as its only cosmetic. Anet has a big challenge as it is with just keeping the spells and skills balanced. I actually hope they learn and don't put so many different skills and spells in GW2 because it overcomplicates the game at times. It is overwhelming at times for me the player also trying to figure out what all these hundreds of spells and skills should fit together.
meh.... i feel they " can " do it right... I seriously hope they do and it isn't just a carbon copy of WoW.

YET I AM CRAZY EXCITED.... i get to be a charr ^^
meh.... i feel they " can " do it right... I seriously hope they do and it isn't just a carbon copy of WoW.

YET I AM CRAZY EXCITED.... i get to be a charr ^^

it didt say anythingb out playing as a charr.... just that u face a an old enemy - the charr
Yes, I know it's not NEW news. However, I feel that it's a topic worthy of a real discussion, and just about every GW2 conversation so far has turned into a discussion of whether or not it will be worth playing once you've put all that effort into your current characters and whether or not ANet is betraying us.

So, if you want that discussion, search the forums and rez the thread! :)

Personally, I'm of two minds on the topic of playable races. On the one hand, I love playing elves. And if there are playable races, there will be an elf-type race. How could there not be? There are already dwarves. BUT races can get gimicky, with more effort put into making ever-cooler races, leading to little effort put into actually making the game better.

And of course, one of the cool, distinctive things about GW has the centrality of humans to the story.
The closest thing you'll get to an elf will be the Sylvari. They are described as little creatures of the wood, nature spirits. The birth of the first Slyvari will be witnessed in GW:EN at the end of the end of the storyline.

Here is a screenshot of the concept art for the Sylvari: 2/Everything Else/OBS1--screenshot_large.jpg

No one should worry about their GW1 character's progress being lost, you can always play GW1, plus the hall of monuments being implemented with GW:EN will allow your stored achievements(titles, weapons, mini pets, etc) to be transfered over for your new character's use in GW2. No word on how this will work exactly but you can rest assured that all will not be lost. But as of right now, there are only the 5 playable races that I listed for GW2. The only other Races I can think of that they might announce later should they decide to implement more would be Centaur and Dwarves.

The official Wiki says a lot about GW2:
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Can't wait for new races. Thought maybe they would have done that with Factions.......still holding out for Mechs though.
i think the races will be fun. I am looking forward to the Sylanafing things... (oh goody another thing to remember how to spell)
Really if all the skills and spells are available to every race then i see no problem with the different races.
But (and more probable) is that certain races will have certain attributes (ie. Dwarves have a +1 strength, Sylakdfnia have a +1 dexterity) sort of thing. Which i think would add to the complexity and strategy of the game. Also it makes it more diverse so you can stand different then other players. Also another thing to consider is that some races might not be able to use some spells/skill. Maybe dwarves might not be able to use certain magic skill but are allowed certain melee skills then a human could.

But then again it also could be just a big hype and the only thing that is different then the other races are the looks.

either way i think it will be fun, and i cant wait for GW:EN. It sounds like a great conclusion/preview.
i love how fast this thread got off topic. Since we have so many off-topic thread, or threads that go off-topic. we should make an ON-topic thread :p