Patch 2.0.10 (Priests took a HUGE hit from what I'm reading)


New Member

* When the duration of "Cyclone" ends, area buffs such as "Leader of the Pack", "Tree of Life", and "Moonkin" will now be correctly resumed.
* "Bear Form" now grants 25% increased stamina instead of 25% increased health.
* "Dire Bear Form" now grants 25% increased stamina instead of 25% increased health. In addition, the armor bonus has been reduced from 450% to 400%.
* The multiplier on base weapon damage for "Mangle (Bear)" ability has been changed from 130% to 100%. In addition, the bonus damage has been reduced by the same ratio.
* "Savage Fury" no longer affects "Mangle (Bear)".
* "Savage Fury" no longer applies to "Maul" or "Swipe".
* The critical damage bonus on "Predatory Instincts" reduced from 3/6/9/12/15% to 2/4/6/8/10%.
* "Improved Leader of the Pack" can no longer get critical heals.
* The armor bonus from "Moonkin Form" has been increased from 360% to 400% (to match Dire Bear Form).
* The rage normalization equation has been adjusted to grant more rage.


* The slowing affect from "Avenger's Shield" is now considered a snare, so snare removal and immunity affects will now work on it.


* The base healing percent from "Vampiric Embrace" has been reduced to 15% from 20%. In addition, this ability can no longer get critical heals.
* "Silent Resolve" no longer reduces threat generated by Shadow spells.
* Prayer of Mending now has a 20 second cooldown.
* If a targeted enemy has a magic effect granting immunity to spell or physical damage, “Mass Dispel” will now always pick that effect as its target.


* The clearcasting effect from "Elemental Focus" now triggers on all spell critical strikes, rather than a chance on any spell hit.
* The shaman will no longer generate additional threat when "Unleashed Rage" triggers.
* The free Lightning spell cast from "Lightning Overload" will now cause reduced threat.
* "Stoneclaw Totem" now has a 50% chance to stun attackers for 3 sec. when struck.


* "Demonic Tactics" now grants increased critical strike chance to you and your demon pet, instead of increased damage.


* The rage normalization equation has been adjusted to grant more rage. The typical warrior should see an increase of 15% to 20% in their rage generation.
* All warriors had their critical strike chance adjusted upward slightly (about 1%).
* "Thunder Clap" is now useable in Defensive Stance. In addition, the tooltip has been adjusted to indicate it causes additional threat.
* The cooldown on "Victory Rush" has been removed, and it can now be used up to 20 seconds after killing an enemy.
* "Unbridled Wrath" has been modified so that rather than a fixed chance to grant rage, it has an increased chance when using slower weapons.

The rest can be found at the link.

From what they are saying on the Priest boards, the Prayer of Mending 20 second cooldown is huge.
you think priests took a hit? Teddy tanks just got taken to the slaughterhouse and were beat repeatedly with the nerf bat. That's some pretty significant changes for the bears.

Glad I'm a kritty build.
Not really. The only major change I can personally see is that I'll be moving two talents out of "Savage Fury" now that it (as it once did) only affects cat form.
Edit: But yes, bear druids are going to feel a burn.
The prayer of mending nerf makes logical sense. When a priest was getting beat on in pvp they could spam that spell(instant cast) and heal themselves and their party at the same time. Seemed rather op to be honest. Cooldown prevents that. The shadow healing nerf sucks for shadow priests. No crit and base reduction. Ouch.

I was expecting a druid nerf of some form, but man. That hurts. Targeted specifically towards druid tanking. I guess we shall see how well they do, but I think that players like John will still be effective despite it.

The warrior buff to rage generation was much needed. That rage normalization was a real low blow, glad to see they made an adjustment to the formula. Also note that druids will get more rage too. So not a total nerf fest on those bear tanks at least.

There are rumors on the pally forums concerning a forbearance nerf. -15% damage as an added debuff to forbearance. Avenging wrath would no longer prompt forbearance, but would share the same cooldown with divine shield...pretty bad nerf there. Hopefully that is just a rumor but...

I've made note of the cooldowns and the reduction in damage. At the moment, I can't confirm whether this should've been in the notes or is a bug, so I'll have to get back to you on a weekday. -Tseric

So I guess its currently in the ptr if not in the patch notes. Hopefully not, cus ouch on pallies.

Anyways, my two cents on the patch.
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/sarcasm on
Eagerly awaiting 3.0.0 so that hunters may get some promised attention.
/sarcasm off
What's really happening with Druids is that they are fixing our over-powered DPS (I've seen hits with Maul (!!not mangle, maul!!) that rival my brother's fireballs. He's a mage with +1k in fire damage.)

Also, as I sort of predicted, they are removing our ability to AOE tank. We were getting dangerously close to Pally ground in that area, and so Blizzard is nurfing that aspect. The nurf is more extensive than you might think -- Idol of Brutality's effect on Swipe is being reduced from +50 to only (wait for it) +10.

I won't comment on the armor drop though. ><
Yeah I am kind of sad to see what they did to bear form druids. Personally I would like to see that if they are going to reduce the amount of damage done, that they correspondingly increase the amount of aggro generated by these attacks. Mangle (Bear)/Maul should get increased threat per application.

The decrease in armor, while very disappointing, isn't terribly shocking imo. With the huge buffs to agi to dodge ratio, and the 2.x buff to armor in dire bear form, I guess I am not surprised that something was going to be changed.

I have to admit thought that as for warriors I am quite pleased. I always thought that the rage normalization was too big of a hit for arms warriors. From what I hear, prot warriors in higher level instances are having troubles generating enough rage to tank as effectively as they should (many report they downgrade gear in order to get hit harder/more often). I don't think the increased rage will be of much benefit to fury warriors, who still seem to get rage aplenty... but I could be wrong here.

While some situations dictate that one type of tank (warrior, druid, or paladin) is better at a given task. In general I get the impression that Blizzard wants to see tanks ranked as follows (by spec):

Prot Warrior > Feral Druid > Prot Paladin > Holy Paladin > Arms/Fury Warrior > non-Feral Druids

At the risk of getting onto a tangent though, I think that warrior's thunder clap should not be restricted to affecting 4 mobs. While I love the new imp t-clap, especially when prot specced (13 rage t-claps ftw!), I wish that it worked better for those pulls with greater than 4 mobs (which are few to be certain). To be honest I don't think anyone would find it terribly unbalancing for it to be a straight up AoE attack (with it's present 4 sec cooldown and limited range).

I am also very pleased to see that t-clap can be used in defensive stance. It's more of a defensive ability anyway, kind of bothered me that I had to switch to battle stance just to use it. It wasn't a big deal, but just seemed awkward and unnecessary.

The published version on the website will be accurate. However, the notes pushed out that will appear on completion of downloading will have an inclusion that did not make it into this patch.

"Charge", "Intercept", and "Intervene" now remove all snaring effects.

The technology for this has not been completed, so we are holding off implementation to a future patch. We are still working to get this functionality into the game, but simply couldn't finish it for this patch's cut off date.